Masaüstü Reklam
The Quality Of Turkish Honey Proven On The International Stage With The Paris Honey Awards (1)

The Quality of Turkish Honey Proven on the International Stage with the Paris Honey Awards

During the Paris International Honey Awards (PIHA) held between January 29-30 this year, Turkish beekeepers who participated in the competition with the contributions of APIMAYE were successfully evaluated by the jury, which included members of the Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), and were awarded various prizes.

The Paris International Honey Awards (PIHA), which was held for the first time this year and saw the participation of hundreds of companies from many countries with their own produced honeys, was marked by the awards received by Turkish beekeepers. With the support of APIMAYE, which has received various innovation awards under TUBITAK-supported projects and supports practices of “Good Beekeeping” and “Sustainable Beekeeping”, the Turkish honey producers who participated in the competition successfully passed various laboratory tests and sensory analysis criteria, and proved their quality in the international arena by winning awards for each product they included in the competition, particularly raising awareness about the importance of hive standardization and productivity in our country.

The Quality of Turkish Honey Proven on the International Stage with the Paris Honey Awards (4)

Turkish Beekeepers Outperformed Hundreds of Foreign Competitors

The products entered in the Paris Honey Awards competition were first subjected to laboratory tests. Products that successfully passed these tests were then evaluated by a jury that included members of the Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), who are dedicated to agricultural food supply chains and are leaders in the industry, based on quality, aroma, texture, and taste criteria. Accordingly, Bin Şifa Balları received the platinum award, while Balıkesir Çam Salgı Balı, Balıkesir Çiçek Balı, Balıkesir Meşe Balı, Bee MySotis, Bingöl Çapakçur Bal, Gölbal, Soner’s Honey, and Şenli Bingöl Bal brands, which participated in the competition with the support of APIMAYE, were awarded the gold prize.

The Quality of Turkish Honey Proven on the International Stage with the Paris Honey Awards (3)

We are proud of our producers’ achievements in providing a systematic beekeeping infrastructure on their sustainable good beekeeping journey

Paris Honey Awards 2023 competition congratulates Turkish honey producers who stood out with the quality of their honey among hundreds of participants. APIMAYE Founder and Honorary Chairman Muzaffer Yıldırım stated that the awards won in the competition have many contributions to the companies, and said the following:

Firms that have earned the right to receive awards by passing laboratory tests and other sensory analyses among hundreds of participants can stand out on the shelves by adding the label they put on their packaging. On the other hand, receiving a prestigious award and proving its quality supports the recognition of firms in the global market and is effective in creating business development opportunities. We are proud of the success of our producers whom we provided with a systematic beekeeping infrastructure on their sustainable good beekeeping journey. Therefore, we will continue to support Turkish beekeepers in competitions to be held in the future, just like every year. We will always stand by Turkish honey firms that want to introduce the quality and difference of the honey they produce to the whole world with their success.

The Quality of Turkish Honey Proven on the International Stage with the Paris Honey Awards (2)
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