Masaüstü Reklam
You Can Be Aesthetic Addict! Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz (1)

You Can Be Aesthetic Addict! prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz

Being very beautiful is not a criterion for being famous on social media…

Stating that aesthetic addiction is defined as a body image disorder by physicians, experts state that the people who cause the most problems to physicians are those who are not satisfied no matter what they do. Noting that the state of dissatisfaction is not only valid for the facial aesthetic operation, it may be related to the whole body, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz points out that such situations arise when a person does not find himself sufficient and is not satisfied with himself. prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz emphasizes that being very beautiful does not meet the criteria of being famous on social media and says that it is wrong to think and act in this way.

You Can Be Aesthetic Addict! prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz (4)

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz made evaluations about her aesthetic addiction, which has been on the agenda recently.

In the 60s, models must have been extremely thin

Reminding that Twiggy was famous as a model with her extremely thin body at the end of the sixties, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, “For that period, Twiggy’s situation can be given as an example of mobbing. In current medical language, this is called anorexia. The 17-year-old models are known to be anorectic due to their extreme thinness at the time, because that’s how they were meant to be. They couldn’t get on the podium otherwise. This is how mobbing was practiced at that time.” said.

You Can Be Aesthetic Addict! prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz (3)

Aesthetic addicts pose problems to specialists

Stating that they call aesthetic addiction as body perception disorder, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, “This is about finding fault with oneself, no matter how straight a person is. It is these patients who cause the most problems to specialists because they are not satisfied no matter what is done. This dissatisfaction is not only valid for the face aesthetic operation, it can be related to the whole body. Such situations may arise when the person does not find himself sufficient and is not satisfied with himself. What stands out here is the concern of being liked and popular.” he said.

You Can Be Aesthetic Addict! prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz (2)

Being beautiful is not a criterion for being famous…

prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, “The criterion of being famous in social media is not being very beautiful” and concluded her words as follows:

“It is a very wrong perception to have such thoughts and behaviors. It is quite wrong to undergo operations such as removing the cheek muscles and removing the molars to make the cheeks sunken. Unless people are at peace with themselves about life, they start to play with their bodies. When looking at Maslow’s need triangle, ‘aesthetics’ is at the top as the word meaning. In fact, when all emotional needs are met, we come across aesthetics about life. Taking care of all visual arts, dealing with people, helping others and such behaviors are at the top of the pyramid of needs. However, we have a different perception when it comes to aesthetics. In fact, true aesthetics is a different perspective from the Renaissance.”

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