YÖRET FOUNDATION celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a series of events, including Sunay Akın’s special performance, Bulutsuzluk Özlemi and the Bosphorus Youth Choir Concert!

YÖRET Foundation, which has survived since 1972, is now in its 50th Anniversary. The 50th Anniversary of the Foundation was celebrated with an all-day event at the Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall.

Sibel Erenel, Chairman of the Board of YÖRET Foundation, in her 50th Anniversary Message: “For 50 years, we said “youth and children”. We cared about the needs of children and young people, and most importantly, we listened to them. We shared it with all government institutions and organizations that come across.
With our projects and programs, in the earthquake of 17 August, in the pandemic process, in irregular refugee problems; In fact, we stood by the children and young people who were deprived of all their needs and rights. We have worked to spread peaceful communication at home, at school and in society in order to protect children and young people from the increasing trend of violence.
In this framework, we will continue to carry out all our works with determination and with the same excitement as on the first day.” said. “Like all our works, our 50th Anniversary celebrations are an example of solidarity that is brought to life entirely by voluntary effort. The harmony of our team and the solution and result-oriented energy of each of us have brought us to where we are today. We exhibited a feast of civil society spirit with our celebration events, every moment of which is very emotional and proud.
We hope to pass on this spirit to future generations and to celebrate their success together in many 50 years. YÖRET is more beautiful, stronger and possible for another 50 years with our volunteers.” he added.
On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, in the Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall, on the day of celebration that lasted from 10:00 in the morning to 24:00 at night; SUNAY AKIN was on stage with a special performance.
exp. Psychologist YILDIZ HACIEVLIYAGİL CÜCELOĞLU made a presentation on the future anxiety of young people. They gave a mini concert where they sang the song specially composed for YÖRET Foundation’s “Non-Violent Society: Wind Vane Campaign”.

In the foyer, the exhibition prepared on the occasion of YÖRET Foundation’s Research Report on Being a Child in a Pandemic, consisting of photographs of Ali Özatalay and Ayçe Özatalay documenting the manifestations of the difficulties experienced by children in their inner world during the Covid-19 Pandemic period, was opened to visitors.
Informative sessions were held between 10:00 and 16:00 with the participation of passers-by from YÖRET Foundation, NGOs, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Specialists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Sociologists, Teachers, Trainers and the public.
In the 50th Anniversary Special Concert organized for the benefit of YÖRET Foundation; Bulutsuzluk Özlemi and Bosphorus Youth Choir took the stage together for the first time, breaking new ground in the history of Turkish Music.

Sina Koloğlu on behalf of Cloudless Aspirations said: “It is a source of pride that Bulutsuzlak Özlemi took part in this meaningful concert on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of YÖRET Foundation. It is also very important to share the same stage with the Bosphorus Youth Choir, which has taken its place in Turkey’s Music History.” said.
Bosphorus Youth Choir Conductor Masis Aram Gözbek said, “It was an honor to celebrate the 50th anniversary of such a valuable foundation together on stage. It was a different excitement to make music with Bulutsız Özlem and accompany their unforgettable songs. Endless thanks to everyone who contributed to this unforgettable night and came to support the concert. Happy 50 years!” said.
YÖRET VAKFI, 50. Yıl / Bulutsuzluk Özlemi / Boğaziçi Gençlik Korosu#MuratBoz Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ Yoğurt #temettü Kastamonu #Şahmaran #EnginAkyürek Üsküdar Burak Elmas Torrent Gülben #MertRamazanDemir #TurkNet Rossi Evdehttps://t.co/fpF2PJtVb9 – pic.twitter.com/5zTywlA1Pu
— Türkiye Haber Portalı (@Turhapo) January 20, 2023