Masaüstü Reklam
Narlidere De Faaliyet Raporuna Oy Birligi Ile Onay 4343.jpg

Unanimous Approval of the Annual Report in Narlıdere

At the Narlıdere Municipality, April Ordinary Assembly Meeting, the 2022 annual report was unanimously accepted. Evaluating the past year, President Engin said, “During our tenure, we made the biggest investment in children and women, namely our future. With the target of Developing and Empowering Narlıdere, we have undertaken works for all segments and all ages. I would like to thank my colleagues, City Council Members and citizens of Narlıdere for their efforts in carrying out the services we provide while carrying our Narlıdere to the future.”

The annual report for 2022 was accepted at the April Ordinary Assembly Meeting held under the chairmanship of Narlıdere Mayor Ali Engin. At the assembly meeting, it was also decided to become a member of the Aegean and Marmara Union of Environmental Municipalities (EMARÇEB) and to give representation to Mayor Engin.

Narlıdere Mayor Ali Engin stated that they left 4 years behind in the management of Narlıdere Municipality and said, “During our tenure, we added new bricks to the future of our Narlıdere. We have fulfilled what we promised, feeling the responsibility of coming to office with a record vote. I would like to thank my colleagues, City Council Members and citizens of Narlıdere for their efforts in carrying out the services we provide while carrying our Narlıdere to the future. I wish God’s mercy once again to our citizens who lost their lives due to the pandemic and the earthquakes that shook us deeply.”


Stating that they have acted with the understanding of “citizen orientation” since the day they took office, President Engin said, “We made the biggest investment in children and women, that is, in our future. We have implemented many projects such as our Children’s Symphony Orchestra, our Pomegranate Flowers Kindergartens, and our Women’s Cooperative. With the target of Developing and Empowering Narlıdere, we have undertaken works for all segments and all ages. We have adopted local development. We have largely completed our restoration work in Yukarıköy and restored it in accordance with its original form and turned it into a tourism destination. We branded our local delicacies with Slow Food Narlıdere. In the 100th anniversary of our Republic, Narlıdere Metro will also be completed. As we enter the 5th year of our mandate, we are carrying our İzmir’s shining star, Narlıdere, to the future with a sustainable and climate-friendly approach.”


Mayor Engin also stated that they have decided to become a member of the Union of Aegean and Marmara Environmental Municipalities and said, “As Narlıdere Municipality, we support our goal of creating a cleaner, livable and sustainable city with new steps with the right planning. In this context, we decided to become a member of the Aegean and Marmara Union of Environmental Municipalities. Together with the member municipalities of the Union, we will work for the dissemination of climate-friendly practices in our district and in our country.

At the Narlıdere Municipality Assembly Meeting, it was decided to establish an AFAD commission in the assembly with the proposal of the council members and to work on the implementation of a search and rescue team within the municipality. At the assembly meeting, where the zoning plan and revisions within the borders of Narlıdere were discussed, the members of the specialization commission were also determined.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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