With the appointments made in February at Yatırım Finansman Menkul Değerler A.Ş., Mehmet Levent Sezer Assistant General Manager, Dr. Barış Esen was appointed as the Corporate Communications Director.
Having a leading role in the Turkish Capital Market with its customer-oriented service approach, strong partnership structure, wide product range, advanced technological infrastructure and experience, Yatırım Finansman Securities continues to strengthen its staff with experienced names. Mehmet Levent Sezer Assistant General Manager, Dr. Barış Esen assumed the role of Corporate Communications Director.
Born in Ankara in 1971, Mehmet Levent Sezer completed the Economics department at METU between 1990-1995. Mehmet Levent Sezer, who started his business life as a Fund Management Specialist at Türkiye İş Bankası in 1997, assumed responsibility as the Assistant Manager in the Treasury Department of Türkiye İş Bankası between 2005-2011 and as the Treasury Unit Manager between 2011-2023. Mehmet Levent Sezer, who joined the Yatırım Finansman family as of February 2023, served as Assistant General Manager in charge of the Strategy and Investment Advisory Department, the Operations Department, the Limited Custody Unit, the Derivative Products Department, the Foreign Markets Unit and the Institutional Portfolio Management Unit affiliated to the Directorate. will work.
Dr. Barış Esen will continue his career at Yatırım Finansman
Finally, he worked as a program producer and presenter at BloombergHT. Barış Esen joined the Yatırım Finansman family as the Corporate Communications Director. A graduate of Istanbul University, Department of International Relations, Dr. Barış Esen completed his master’s degree at Galatasaray University, Department of Regional and Strategic Studies. He received his PhD from the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul University. He started his journalism and television career at CNN Türk Foreign News Service in 2004. From 2005 to the beginning of 2010, he worked as a reporter, editor and presenter at SKY Türk news channel. He has been working as a presenter-editor at Bloomberg HT, where he has been in the founding staff since 2010. Barış Esen will take on the position of Corporate Communications Director at Yatırım Finansman in the new term. Dr. Barış Esen is also a faculty member at Beykent University.
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency