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Turkish companies outsource their cyber security responsibilities!

According to the report of the IT Security Economics research conducted by Kaspersky among IT decision makers in Turkey, 90.9% of SMEs and companies in 2022 prefer to outsource certain IT security responsibilities because they find it more efficient.

Kaspersky’s annual IT Security Economics report shows that the complexity of cybersecurity solutions has led companies to outsource some security functions from InfoSec providers. The biggest reason for this is that service providers have the expertise required by the subject and can manage technologies more efficiently than company employees.

A complex cybersecurity solution cannot guarantee the best protection without a competent expert managing it. A company’s search for qualified personnel in these areas continues to increase due to the global shortage of experts in this field. This fact is the 2022 Cybersecurity Workforce Study. Its research was revealed by (ISC)², an international, non-profit membership association for IT industry leaders that reports a skills gap of 3.4 million workers in the professional market. This has forced companies to outsource certain IT functions to managed service providers (MSP) or managed security service providers (MSSP).

According to Kaspersky research among IT decision makers in Turkey, 90.9% of SMEs and companies said the level of efficiency brought by external experts is the most common reason for delegating certain IT security responsibilities to MSP/MSSP in 2022. Compliance requirements (72.7%), the need for expert knowledge (66.7%), shortage of IT staff (63.6%) and financial efficiency (45.5%) are among the most frequently cited reasons by companies.

Regarding cooperation with MSP/MSSP, 67% of companies in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa region say they usually work with two or three providers, while 24% work with more than four IT security service providers per year.

Cost and efficiency are the reasons for preference!

“External experts may manage all the cybersecurity processes in a company, or they may only deal with specific tasks. This often depends on the size and maturity of the organization and management’s willingness to be involved in information security duties. For some small and medium-sized companies, it may be more cost-effective and efficient to not hire a full-time specialist and delegate some of their functions to the MSP or MSSP. For large companies, external experts often mean extra hands on helping their cybersecurity teams handle large volumes of work. However, it is important to understand that in any case the company must have basic information security knowledge – in order to properly evaluate the work of outsourcing providers,” says Konstantin Sapronov, Head of Kaspersky Global Emergency Response Team.

Even without security personnel or internal experts, Kaspersky recommends using managed protection services to protect your company against sophisticated cyber attacks. Comprehensive Expert Training product will also help IT security professionals maintain relevant skills and best prepare for the cyber threat environment.

Visit the interactive IT Security Calculator to learn more about IT security costs and budgets in businesses in 2022. You can download the full “IT Security Economics 2022” report here.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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