Turkish Retailers Federation (TPF) held its board of directors meeting in a different city every month, this time in Istanbul. Work carried out in the earthquake zone, price fixing and rent increases were on the agenda of local chains. Omer Duzgun, President of the Federation; “Local businesses and tradesmen are struggling more and more every day due to the astronomical rent increases. Rent increases by city and region have reached an astronomical figure. Local operators are struggling to meet increases of up to 100 percent. Imposing a limitation on this issue will give the operators a breath of fresh air,” he said.
In order to strengthen unity and solidarity among local chains across Turkey and to evaluate the developments in the sector, the new meeting held in a different city every month under the leadership of the Turkish Retailers Federation was held in Istanbul. Work carried out in the earthquake zone, price fixing and rent increases were on the agenda of local chains.
Indicating that his visits continue to identify the needs in the earthquake area and to take precautions for the future, TPF President Ömer Duzgun said; “To meet the basic needs of our citizens, we continue our support with the guidance of the competent authorities. With only a few days left to the month of Ramadan, we will set up iftar tents for 5,000 people in the coming days, with the guidance of our ministry. On the other hand, the shipment of our mixed food parcels to the region continues. Together with our federation, associations and local chain market members, we will continue to stand by our country and our citizens.”
Referring to the studies carried out by local chains to increase the price of the products on the market shelves, Düzgün said; “With the coordination of our 14 retail associations, our local businesses continue to offer discounts on hundreds of different products every day in line with the decisions they take in 81 provinces. On the other hand, we are meeting with our manufacturers and suppliers, and we want them to contribute to price fixing.”
Indicating at the meeting that local chains and tradesmen have difficulties in the face of rent increase rates of up to 100 percent according to the city and region, Omer Duzgun said; “Local businesses and tradesmen, which have made significant investments in market fixtures, renovation, design and promotional activities, are struggling more and more every day due to the astronomical rent increases. While we were talking about the increase figures that reached 70 percent a few months ago, nowadays this rate has reached 100 percent in some cities and districts. Stating that he cannot make the proposed rent increase, he puts pressure on the operator to become the owner of the property. The owner of the business, who has invested in the operation of the market for years, has to accept the rent increase as moving to another place will create greater costs. Businesses are having a hard time staying afloat because of their increasing costs, especially electricity, natural gas and rent.
Indicating that local operators will not be able to handle the increase in workplace rents in the upcoming period, Düzgün said; “We expect support to prevent the increase in shop rents. Limiting and fixing the rate of increase in the rents of shops and workplaces will give the operators a breath of fresh air.
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency