Masaüstü Reklam
Total Recall Exhibition Ezra Çetin And Tuba Çetin (2)

Total Recall Exhibition | EZRA Çetin and TUBA Çetin

The creative directors of the EZRATUBA brand, which has been a pioneer in introducing wearable technologies, sustainable fashion, and clean agriculture concepts to our country’s textile industry, Ezra Çetin and Tuba Çetin, are once again making a first with a special exhibition titled ‘Total Recall’, where you will experience the unique contribution of modern technologies that promote economic and social development while preserving natural resources.

Total Recall Exhibition EZRA Çetin and TUBA Çetin (6)

Total Recall, which will take place at Fişekhane Gallery with the main sponsorship of Paraf Card between May 16-21, is a special exhibition that presents a unique experience and narrative by designing the contribution of technology and digitization to the transfer of world resources, which we rapidly consume while meeting our own needs, to future generations.

Total Recall Exhibition EZRA Çetin and TUBA Çetin (4)


The rapidly increasing population, consumption and industrial activities worldwide are causing natural resources to deplete quickly and environmental pollution to increase. Therefore, it is necessary to change our lifestyle and production processes for a sustainable future. At this point, the opportunities provided by technology and digitization are contributing significantly to sustainability.

Ezra Çetin and Tuba Çetin, who represent our country successfully in the international arena by including technology in their own creation and production processes before anyone else, do not only focus on the needs of today in their production in their own field. Ezra and Tuba, who use the opportunities provided by technology to improve from the ground up to be a role model with their brand in building the future, explain their goals for this exhibition as follows:

“Technology, digitalization, and machine learning have entered our lives at an unstoppable pace and are developing, shaping, and strengthening at a dizzying speed. While on one hand, the fear that it will threaten humanity has become an argument, on the other hand, the contribution of modern technologies that respect natural resources, promote economic and social development, and contribute to sustainability is undoubtedly unique. We wanted to explain the value of plastic usage, carbon footprint, and cotton obtained through clean agriculture in the simplest way possible but by benefiting from technology. Because this effort cannot belong only to us and cannot be achieved only by our own and similar brands’ efforts. This new future will become a reality with the common awareness of every human being with whom we share our planet. That is, we desire to create this exhibition to make the concept of a sustainable new planet even more noticeable and to ignite a spark in everyone from 7 to 70 who watches it.”

Total Recall Exhibition EZRA Çetin and TUBA Çetin (1)

“Implemented with the main sponsorship of Paraf Card and valuable stakeholders, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals recognize the contribution of technology and digitalization to sustainability and call for more innovation and technological development.”

“The partners of TOTAL RECALL, which will be instantly measuring the carbon footprint of the exhibition with 3 PMetrics, adopted by Paraf Card, are WhatsGo, 3Angles, Vestel, Gülçiçek Esans, and Makro, and they support this awareness with their expertise.”

Total Recall Exhibition EZRA Çetin and TUBA Çetin (3)

“Bluechip creavite events, which are pioneers and organizers of the exhibition, state that ‘as people who provide services in our country and are citizens of the world, we support every project where we can demonstrate our sensitivity and are delighted to be a part of such an exhibition that will offer a valuable experience for everyone who has the opportunity to watch it.’”

Total Recall Exhibition EZRA Çetin and TUBA Çetin (5)

“TOTAL RECALL, the destination for an extraordinary cultural and artistic experience, will open its doors to visitors at Fişekhale Gallery on May 16th and will end on May 21st.”

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