At the signing ceremony for the “Sisters Hand in Hand” project between Konak Municipality and the Izmir Soroptimist Club, President Batur stated, “We are ready for every work that is directed towards women, children, and young people. We support women’s participation not only in business life but also in every aspect of society.”
Konak Municipality, which has signed exemplary projects with women’s associations in local government and civil society collaborations, has launched another project with the Izmir Soroptimist Club this time to support women’s employment. Konak Mayor Abdül Batur hosted Şükran Karaok, the President of the Izmir Soroptimist Club, and the members of the board of directors, and signed for the “Sisters Hand in Hand” project to be realized. Konak women who complete the education program provided under the protocol will have gained significant knowledge and skills to enter the business world.
“We are collaborating with women’s associations”
Konak Mayor Abdül Batur stated that Konak Municipality has signed many projects with women’s associations and expressed that neighborhood centers are a great strength for women in Konak. Mayor Batur said, “Our neighborhood centers are an important service that supports women. We have sixteen neighborhood centers. Most of our centers, which are used by children and young people, especially women, are located in disadvantaged areas. As Konak Municipality, we collaborate with civil society organizations, especially women’s associations, and value the projects and works produced together. We have done about 27 projects so far, and each project was positive and successful. We are ready for every work that is directed towards women, children, and young people. We support women’s participation not only in business life but also in every aspect of society.”
The target was achieved with Konak’s support
Şükran Karaok, the President of the İzmir Soroptimist Club Board of Directors, who thanked Mayor Batur for his support, explained the project’s goals. Karaok stated that thanks to the protocol signed with Konak Municipality, they had the chance to reach more women than they had planned, saying, “We said ‘sisters hand in hand’ in this project of ours. We set out to increase the skills of our women aged between 18-45 who graduated from high school and university by providing them with education. Our goal was to reach a hundred women on the hundredth anniversary of our republic. Thanks to you, we have exceeded our goal of a hundred women. Upon the demand of women, we also added e-commerce education to the trainings in the sisters hand in hand project. We want to continue this project with Konak Women’s Cooperative in September.”
30 women will benefit from the education program in the first stage
As part of the project, which aims to enable women to become entrepreneurs and participate in employment by keeping up with the rapidly developing technology in the changing world, it is planned to employ 30 women living in Konak. The training program, which will enable women to improve their knowledge and skills that may be needed in their professional lives, includes effective communication, interview techniques, CV preparation, diction, media literacy, anger management, stress coping methods, time management, equal opportunities, rights-based women’s rights and violence, the importance of being successful in e-commerce, website design in e-commerce, digital marketing, sales from marketplaces, search engine marketing, SEO, payment systems in e-commerce, cargo and logistics in e-commerce, social media marketing, product photography, Canva design, and panel training. The project, realized with the contributions of Ideasoft, in collaboration with Konak Municipality and İzmir Soroptimist Club, will have 30 women in the first stage receiving training. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the 15-hour training program.
Source: (BYZHA) Beyaz Haber Ajansı