Masaüstü Reklam
The Corporate Governance And Sustainability Panel Will Take Place In Adana

The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Panel Will Take Place in Adana

As part of its efforts to promote corporate governance nationwide, the Turkish Corporate Governance Association (TKYD) will hold the “Anatolian Panels” in Adana on June 10, 2024, following events in Manisa and Aydın. The “Anatolian Panels” will be organized in cooperation with Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Gazetesi, hosted by the Adana Chamber of Industry, and sponsored by Logo Yazılım.

The Turkish Corporate Governance Association (TKYD), which continues its activities to promote and develop the understanding of corporate governance in Turkey, will carry on with its efforts to explain corporate governance in Anatolia in 2024. Following events in Denizli, Sakarya, and Eskişehir in 2023, the “Anatolian Panels” began in Manisa in 2024 and then took place in Aydın. The Anatolian Panels will be held in Adana on June 10, in cooperation with Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Gazetesi, hosted by the Adana Chamber of Industry, and sponsored by Logo Yazılım.

At the Adana Chamber of Industry, opening speeches will be delivered by TKYD Chairman Dr. Tamer Saka and Adana Chamber of Industry Chairman Zeki Kıvanç. Following a speech on “Turkey’s Political and Economic Agenda” by TKYD Economic Advisor and Director of Türkiye Raporu Can Selçuki, the panel themed “Corporate Governance and Sustainability” will take place.

Tkyd’nin Anadolu Panelleri 10 Haziran’da Adana’da Düzenlenecek (2)

In the “Corporate Governance and Sustainability” panel, moderated by Hakan Güldağ, Chairman of the Board of Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Gazetesi, the speakers will include TKYD Chairman Dr. Tamer Saka, Adana Chamber of Industry Chairman Zeki Kıvanç, Logo Yazılım Turkey General Manager Akın Sertcan, TKYD Board Member and Partner at Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Law Firm Senem Denktaş, Chairman of the Board of Adana Hacı Sabancı Organized Industrial Zone Bekir Sütcü, Board Member of SASA Polyester Sanayi A.Ş. Güven Kaya, and Chairman of the Board of Sunar Yatırım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Mustafa Nuri Çomu.

Tkyd’nin Anadolu Panelleri 10 Haziran’da Adana’da Düzenlenecek (1)

TKYD Chairman Dr. Tamer Saka stated that through the Anadolu Buluşmaları, they are spreading the knowledge and experience accumulated by TKYD over the past 21 years across the country. He said, “We know that good management in Turkey attracts good investment and that the longevity and competitiveness of companies depend on being corporately managed. Therefore, we continue our efforts to spread this culture to Anatolia. To this end, we are personally visiting cities in Anatolia to hold meetings and explain corporate governance. Throughout 2024, we will be present in many of our cities. In these panels, we collaborate with industrial chambers and work to contribute to the adoption of corporate governance principles.”

About TKYD: Founded in 2003 as a voluntary civil society organization, the Turkish Corporate Governance Association (TKYD) operates with the mission of promoting, developing, and implementing the best practices of corporate governance in Turkey. Built on the principles of fairness, transparency, accountability, and responsibility, TKYD aims to be a guiding force in all areas it impacts. By establishing a communication network among the private sector, public institutions, media, regulators, civil society organizations, and the academic world, TKYD seeks to advance corporate governance practices. TKYD is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and a member of ICGN.

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