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Sustainable earthquake campaign from BJK: “I won’t let you go, my Turkey”

A minimum of 6 schools from Beşiktaş community to earthquake zones…

Ahmet Nur Çebi: “On the way to visit Hatayspor, I saw that two schools had collapsed on the way, this affected me deeply. I thought we should build a school for the kids. Thank you to our community for their support so far. We are the most important non-governmental organization in Turkey. We are starting our school campaign that shows we stand by our children.”

Besiktas JK; announced the short, medium and long-term goals of the campaign “I Will Not Let You Go, Turkey” and the aid it provided after the earthquake disaster that stifled our nation, at a press conference held at Vodafone Park. Beşiktaş JK President Ahmet Nur Çebi, Vice-President Serhan Çetinsaya and Secretary General, Member of the Board of Directors Mehtap Ferah responsible for Sponsorship and Marketing, Human Resources and Administrative Affairs  attended the meeting.

Emphasizing that the Turkish people can be in unity and solidarity after the earthquake disaster, Ahmet Nur Çebi said:

On the way to Hatayspor, I saw that two schools had collapsed on the way, and this affected me deeply. I thought we should build a school for the kids.

“I would like to thank everyone who has tried to heal the wounds caused by this disaster. It is a long-term job to erase the traces of this disaster. We will continue to help our people who were damaged by the earthquake with the I Will Not Leave You My Turkey campaign. As Beşiktaş community, we have done everything we can and will continue to do so. The aid campaign that we started as a result of the meeting we held with our members of the board of directors after the earthquake reached its goal. Since our stadium is in a central location, we took the materials brought by our helpful citizens and delivered them to the earthquake zone. With the contributions of our associations, our aid reached their destination in a healthy way. I would like to thank our associations who supported us in this matter. The “This Toy is My Friend for You” event, which our fans made at our stadium, was viewed five billion times all over the world. I would like to express that I am proud that Beşiktaş is a pioneer in this field. The painting I saw on my trip to Hatay was very bad. We must not let this thing go. On the way to Hatayspor, I saw that two schools had collapsed on the way, and this affected me deeply. I thought we should build a school for the kids. Thank you to our community for their support so far. We are the most important non-governmental organization in Turkey. We are starting our school campaign that shows we are with our children.

Bekir’s piggy bank

A brother named Bekir donated five hundred liras in his piggy bank to the earthquake victims. This money will be the beginning of everything. We are starting our campaign with this money. I am proud to be a citizen of the country where a child lives with these feelings. I invite the Beşiktaş community to help, like our brother Bekir. Businessmen from Beşiktaş can give their names to schools.

Our address has become active as of today. We have lira, dollar and euro accounts. You can donate 50 TL by writing LEFT and sending an SMS to 1903. Good luck with our campaign. I know that not only Beşiktaş fans, but also the supporters of other clubs who helped pack relief materials at Vodafone Park Earthquake Relief Center will support our campaign. Children are the future of our country. Earthquake may destroy it, but the children are strong enough to rebuild Turkey. First of all, we need to bring children to schools where they can live and develop. As Beşiktaş JK Board of Directors, we donate 10 million TL to the campaign. Our campaign started with 10 million 500 liras. I believe that we will complete the campaign in a magnificent way.

Minimum 6 schools

We plan to build a minimum of six schools. Our help will continue until we are sure that the wounds are healed. The school campaign is very important. Contributions to this campaign until June are very important. Our children should be able to sit on their desks during the school period. The trainers and athletes of our amateur branches encourage our children who were damaged by the earthquake to do sports to help them overcome the trauma they experienced. Thank you to our athletes and coaches. I’m sure our stadium is earthquake resistant. The stadiums belong to the Ministry of Youth and Sports. I would like to think that the stats have been audited. There are artists who want to give concerts for earthquake victims without paying. We can organize football matches, the proceeds of which will be donated to earthquake victims. We decided to donate our museum and stadium tour revenues to earthquake victims. We will diversify our campaign. I am thinking of making a proposal to the Association of Clubs regarding the transfer of the income from the friendly matches to be played in the camps to be held in Europe during the summer period to the earthquake zone. Children experience emotions intensely. Our fans manage to do important work well. Our fans organized an amazing event. With five billion views, it was important to get people’s attention here. Our fans put forward an action with emotion and intelligence.


As Beşiktaş community, we are present all over Anatolia. We are working on establishing and training a team called Beşiktaş Disaster Coordination Center (BAKOM) that can take action and help people in such disasters.”

The first of the schools will be in Malatya Technopolis

Vice-President Serhan Çetinsaya, on the other hand, stated that the two ruined schools they saw in Hatay impressed them a lot and said: “We called our Minister of National Education and told him that we wanted to build schools in the earthquake zone. He told us that we can build a prefabricated or container school instead of reinforced concrete. Consisting of 10-12 classrooms made of light steel material; We started to work on schools with a principal’s room, teachers’ room, canteen, kitchenette and computer rooms. The Ministry of National Education stated that we should first start with a school in Malatya Technopolis, and then they can allocate a place so that we can build other schools. We set out to build schools worthy of Beşiktaş that can meet all the needs of our students. I believe that we will come out of this business with a clear conscience as our community embraces the project.”

More than 200 trucks

Mehtap Ferah, the Secretary General, Member of the Board of Directors responsible for Sponsorship and Marketing, Human Resources and Administrative Affairs, said: “After the earthquake, we quickly got together with our friends and talked about what we could do. We sent more than 200 trucks to the region. As Members of the Board of Directors, we organized the aid on a 24-hour basis at the aid center in our stadium. Our Vice-President Serhan Çetinsaya carried out works for the construction of our tent cities in the earthquake zone.”

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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