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Pozitif Psikolojide Dunyaya Ornek Oldu 4826.jpg

She set an example to the world in positive psychology…

Üsküdar University has been giving Positive Psychology classes for 10 years.

Being chosen as the “happiest country in the world” for the fifth time in a row by the World Happiness Report, the teaching of happiness lessons in Finland brought up the exemplary and pioneering studies in our country in this field. The first course on the science of happiness in our country has been given at Üsküdar University for 10 years. Üsküdar University, the pioneer of positive psychology in Turkey, has been teaching Positive Psychology courses as a compulsory course since 2013. Üsküdar University, which has been carrying out important studies in the field of positive psychology since its establishment, provides important contributions to the academic and scientific world in addition to awareness studies in the public.

In the Scandinavian country Finland, which has been selected as the “happiest country in the world” for the fifth time in a row by the World Happiness Report, tourism authorities have started a retreat to help those who will reconnect with their happiness. The happiness lessons to be given within the scope of the application brought up the studies in the field of positive psychology in our country.

Üsküdar University has been teaching Positive Psychology for 10 years.

At Üsküdar University, which is the first thematic university of our country in the field of behavioral sciences and health and has been carrying out important studies in the field of positive psychology since its establishment, Positive Psychology courses have been given as a compulsory course since 2013.

It pioneered the world’s leading universities…

As a pioneer in this field, Üsküdar University became the first university to include this course in its academic curriculum, years before the world’s leading universities. The positive psychology course, announced by Harvard University in 2015 as a groundbreaking course for people to find happiness, aims to increase personal skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and coping with troubles. After Harvard, the USA started teaching at Yale University in 2018. Later, in 2019, he included positive psychology in the British Bristol University curriculum.

prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: “Positive psychology is preventive mental health”

Üsküdar University Founding Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, “Positive psychology is a science that answers many problems in the individual, development, relationships, problem solving and marriage. Anyone who has never had a psychiatric problem also needs positive psychology. This is a preventive mental health study.” said.

Growth after earthquake and trauma was discussed at the 5th International Congress of Positive Psychology

Organized for the first time in 2016, hosted by Üsküdar University, International Positive Psychology Congresses bring together world-renowned experts in this field. The theme of the 5th International Positive Psychology Congress, which was held this year with the partnership of NPİSTANBUL Hospital, NP Etiler & Feneryolu Medical Center, Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association and Positive Psychology Institute, on March 10, 11 and 12, 2023, is “The Science of Goodness / What Comes From Goodness? & Earthquake and Post-Traumatic Growth”.

prof. Dr. Howard Gardner was the guest of honor

Psychologist from Harvard University, known for his theory of multiple intelligences, Prof. Dr. In the congress where Howard Gardner was the guest of honor and gave a speech titled “The Science of Goodness, Multiple Intelligences Theory”, ‘Science of Goodness’, ‘What arises from goodness?’, ‘The Meaning and Purpose of Life’, ‘Optimism and Hope’, ‘Psychological Needs and Topics such as ‘Motivation’, ‘Psychological Resilience’, ‘Post Traumatic Development’ and ‘Human Relations and Social Support’ were discussed. Multiple intelligence theorist, US psychologist Prof. Dr. Howard Gardner: “Life may get easier in the future, but staying human may not be so easy.” His words were noteworthy.

The book “The Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology Practices for Youth” was prepared in 5 years

The study titled “The Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology Practices for Youth”, which was published by Üsküdar University at the beginning of this year, was conducted by the Founding Rector Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. It was published by Üsküdar University Publications with the support of Nevzat Tarhan and Üsküdar University academics. According to the general rules of the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education (MEB), Lect. See. The supplementary textbook prepared by Elif Konar Özkan consists of 19 units, with the copyright of 22 psychology professionals. The work, which was completed in 5 years, also serves as a guide for psychological counselors and guidance teachers.

“Positive Psychology in 10 Steps”: Offers ways to improve emotional intelligence skills

Üsküdar University Founding Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. The book “Positive Psychology in 10 Steps”, written by Nevzat Tarhan in 2019, presents the methods of developing emotional intelligence skills in 10 steps with practical applications, with a team of 19 experts, each of whom is an expert in different fields of psychology and psychiatry. In the book, concepts such as self-knowledge-awareness, communication skills, motivation, perseverance and compromise are explained one by one and reinforced with 10 steps, psychodrama and exercises.

Contribution to the scientific literature is made with the “Journal of Happiness and Well-Being”

Üsküdar University also makes a significant contribution to the scientific literature with the Journal of Happiness and Well-being (JHWB). Üsküdar University Psychology Department, Positive Psychology Coordinator Dr. Instructor The Journal of Happiness and Well-being, whose member Fatma Turan is the assistant editor, makes significant contributions to the field.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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