“Am I in a Lovely Art Exhibition or What? – Re-Titled. H. Cigdem Yorgancioglu Ritz Carlton Hotel, EkavArt Gallery 7. Feb 2024 copyright protected.
EKAV / Education, Culture and Research Foundation’s establishment Ekavart Gallery which celebrating 33 years of anniversary , hosting Ertuğ’s 16th Solo Art exhibition between 7 and 29 February 2024.
Ekavart Gallery, with an ambition to raise the quality of life and consciousness of the society by combining the language of art and aesthetics, has organized numerous events such as solo and group exhibitions, personal development seminars, autograph sessions, workshops and music concerts, consisting of the works of masters and young artists of Turkish painting, since its opening.
Worldtraveller economist, versatile, multi-disciplinary, world-traveling artist Ciğdem Yorgancioglu, attended the opening cocktail and reception of the artist İnci Ertuğ Exhibition, hosted by EkavArt which situated at the Süzer Plaza entrance of The Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Globetrotter economist artist Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu, author of the book “Every Lover is a Warrior – MILITAT OMNIS AMANS” and instructor of training workshops on (CLC 360) 360 Degree Love Affairs, Love History ,Love Math,Love Art and Love Affiliations, voyaged through an exhibition “”Am I in Love or What? (Am I in Love or What?)” on the theme of Love as Valentine’s Day approached on 7 th Feb 2024 during the reception cocktail.
Artist Cigdem Yorgancıoğlu, had several solo art exhibitions and stage performances in 5 continents of the world and represented Turkey abroad, used such statements concerning the personal inspirations and impressions she get from the exhibition.” AM I IN LOVE OR WHAT?”
“The Ertuğ family is an imperative and valuable part of our big and extended family, even though we rarely see each other. There will come a time when we make our places in the “family tree” visible. .let’s leave it here for now by saying “sister of the grandmother”. Briefly , they are loved ones. Today I met with the whole family and had a nice talk after many years .İnci,Selçuk, Ece and Levent . Wholeheartedly I can say “ They are (one of ) a very Treasured and Esteemed family of Turkey.”
Having attended Pera Palace Hotel Şerife Altunbaş’s exhibition few days ago, I am currently subjected to the second exhibition in which the theme of “LAYERS”-(Katmanlar in Turkish ) comes to the fore in the artworks themselves and in the artist narratives.A good consecutive experience. Because these layers have an important place and meaning in İnci Ertuğ’s narrative. She is a very remarkable painter and artist.

Visiting Ertuğ’s exhibition is just like experiencing supreme excellence with systematically crafted “abiding”artworks. Smelling the prominence of unique and exceptional art. Awesome imagination skill based on profound thought ,philosophy and instinct .The insight refined by my observation may be named as ”Artworks and Narration filled with Wisdom”. Her Art is a very splendid thing . If I were the person lecturing about the artworks The name of the course would be “ Art and Humanity”.
Apart from Humanity, I see also the implications of Transhumanism in the selection of forms figures and abstractions
Having alleged and observed the confounding dimensional artworks, I saw contemporary style embedded in astronomy, geometry, physics, philosophy. Besides, the associations represent different states of mind of humans. The “ambiguity” conjures up the image of “quantum physics” along with aesthetics. There are enigmatic eyes on paintings, giving me the feeling “ each watching us”. I am really astounded by the refined,stylish mind of İnci Ertug .Subtle and Sophisticated narration. Possibly, If a person studied law at any stage of his or her life, his/her reasoning skills must be an indispensable part of his /her life. And that person always contemplates on any affair that may deserve attention and asks questions.

It sounds like “Cogito Ergo Sum”of Descartes or “To be or not to be” Hamlet by Shakespeare … The way She named the exhibition is very thought-provoking and unique as well. “AM I IN LOVE OR WHAT” … Do you smell the philosophy and questioning mind of Ertuğ ! or ? . Then instinct came on stage. Because etymologically the word “philosophy” comes from Greek by way of Latin, philosophia, and means LOVE OF WISDOM.
Based on my involvement and observations so far, Those people like Ertug are also life-long learners. This keeps the person’s essence, mind, memory and body alive and fit. I think this is the magic that keeps Ertuğ’s mind and body alive. This must be the energy that empowered her to stand up and take care of each of her exhibition visitors throughout the cocktail reception, without neglecting them.And with her sincere pleased face.
I saw the different layers of her patterns with aesthetics and art, abstract cubic, three D forms . It is admirable that it has been integrated into dimensional forms. It gives the feeling of experiencing all the contrasts of facts of life such as interior and exterior at the same time..
Roaming through İnci Ertuğ ‘s Art via Kaleidoscope of Cigdem Yorgancioglu I saw designs of M. C. Escher in her artwork . I mean Dutch graphic artist Maurits Cornelis Escher . Non linear patterns and fractal geometry . was miraculous . I saw a different kind of “Encounter” of Escher. I called one of her painting ETHNIC ZEBRA from my perception which roamed through an African Safari.
EKAV / Education, Culture and Research Foundation, “Am I in Love or What? (Am I in Love or What?)”, hosting Ertuğ’s 16th personal exhibition between 7 and 29 February 2024 at Ekavart Gallery.
According to İnci Ertuğ as she also declared on her press bulletin; ”Love and art are two dominant concepts aimed at exploring the deepest and most impressive facets of human life. The relationship between these two concepts nourishes each other; Such cultivation contributes to the enrichment, deepening and expression of human emotions and experiences. Both shape the fundamental elements of human existence, provide spiritual depth and add meaning to life. Art follows the traces of love, explores the inner world of people and opens these experiences to social sharing.”
Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.
According to İnci Ertuğ, instinct is as sufficient in art as in love. because painting, as Picasso said, “is the expertise of the visually impaired “blind”person.” Because he paints what he feels, not what he has seen.”While layers appear in his works as if to cover each other , in her collages She tries to make people think and direct us to the truth through contrasts. For the artist, the painting is like a silent poem, a colorful reflection of his inner world. The references he takes from life find expression in the colors of his works.
For the artist, painting is the expression of her emotions, and being able to march on this artistic journey means experiencing the most beautiful of loves, one of the most intense and enthusiastic states of passion. The reflections on his canvases and the riot of colors in his dreams are a reflection of the excitement within him. “Am I in love or what?” The moments when he thinks ‘ remind us how important instinct is in art and love.
A selection of the artist’s paintings and sculptures from the last one and a half years can be seen at Ekavart Gallery until February 29, 2024.and also viewed from arttv
İnci Ertuğ’s personal exhibitions
“Stratum”, Ekavart Gallery, İstanbul (2019)
“Persona”, Mine Art Gallery-Palmarina, Bodrum (2017) “Devin[im]ler – Motions”, Ekavart Gallery
Istanbul (2015); “Élan Vital”
Cer Modern, Ankara (2014); “Time to THINK” Doruk Art House, Istanbul (2013)
Doruk Art House, Istanbul (2012)
VSH Gallery, Hannover/Germany (2009)
“Encounters”, Türk Evi, Berlin/Germany (2007) TGH Gallery, Hamburg/Germany (2007)
VHS Gallery, Cloppenburg/Germany (2006) JVH Gallery, Vechta/Germany (2006)
VSH Gallery, Hannover/Germany (2005) “41+”, Adler Gallery, Gstaad/Switzerland (2005) VHS Gallery, Cloppenburg/Germany (2004)
“The Grain of Sand Inside Me”, Dirimart Gallery, Istanbul (2003)