Valentine’s Day emerges as a day filled with love and beauty. On this special day, you can achieve a youthful and radiant appearance by caring for both your skin and lips. Dr. Yasemin Savaş, a Medical Aesthetic Physician who emphasizes the effectiveness of BBL (BroadBand Light) treatment and lip fillers as popular solutions in this regard, shared beauty secrets for a more attractive look on Valentine’s Day.
Love is an energy that illuminates everything. Dr. Yasemin Savaş, mentioning that BBL treatment is a method that illuminates the skin with love, states, “Although not as intense as love, it is beneficial for the skin, adding vitality and radiance to it.” Savaş supports the combination of BBL treatment and lip fillers, stating, “BBL rejuvenates the skin while lip fillers maintain harmony on your face and make your smile more attractive.”

Pamper Yourself with Love
Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to pamper yourself with love. Dr. Yasemin Savaş highlights that BBL treatment offers various methods such as rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, and spot treatment, providing long-lasting youthfulness akin to a touch of love.
The symbol of love, lips, takes center stage in making them more attractive and plump through lip filler applications. However, it is essential not to go overboard. Dr. Yasemin Savaş emphasizes the importance of the ideal lip being natural, moist, a harmonious part of the face, and not disrupting the smile. She points out that the distinct curve called the ‘Cupid’s bow’ on the upper lip enhances the attractiveness of the lips.

Delaying New Problems by Reducing Signs of Aging
Providing details about BBL treatment and the ideal lip filler, Dr. Yasemin Savaş explains, “BBL treatment is a specialized light source with FDA approval that emits light in a broad wavelength, used in skin treatments. The device sends light energy to the upper layers of the skin. This light energy gently heats the layers of the skin. The heat energy absorbed step by step by the skin layers in targeted areas triggers collagen production in existing cells and tightens and brightens the skin more effectively than the first application. While renewing and rejuvenating the skin, BBL treatment delays natural aging by stimulating the skin’s natural processes. BBL refreshes the genetic structure to provide a more youthful appearance.”

Love Yourself First
Providing insights into the subtleties of lip fillers, Dr. Yasemin Savaş warns that adding too much volume to the lips can disrupt the balance of the face. Savaş states, “Lips may appear thinner when viewed from the side than they do from the front. There is a ratio that should exist between the lower and upper lips. This ratio should also be maintained throughout the entire face. Preserving or creating this ratio simultaneously brings attractiveness, beauty, and a natural appearance.”

Savaş mentions the region formed by the total of the area corresponding to the middle of the upper lip and the corresponding area on the lower lip is called the lip heart. She says, “Enhancing this region with volume through filler injections defines and contours the lips, balancing the lost volume in aging lips and restoring their lost vitality over the years.”

Dr. Yasemin Savaş concludes her words by saying, “You can make this special day unforgettable for yourself and your partner with BBL and lip filler treatments. Remember, real beauty emerges as a result of loving yourself.”