Masaüstü Reklam
Gayrimenkul Uzmani Sule Alp Uyariyor Panikle Kacis Yanlis Tercihe Neden Olabilir 3591.jpg

Real estate expert Şule Alp warns… Escape with panic can lead to wrong choice

Due to the recent disasters such as earthquakes and floods, there has been a serious population movement from earthquake regions and especially to less risky regions than a possible Istanbul earthquake.

Real estate expert Şule Alp,

“Our citizens, who migrated with sudden decisions and panic, should also consider factors such as safe and comfortable places to migrate, job opportunities and education. There are ideas for eliminating risks or reducing their effects. Migration is seen as a risk-reducing measure, but certain cities will inevitably come to the fore here. Especially due to the possible Istanbul earthquake, people took action to migrate,

Turkey’s safest cities in terms of earthquakes; Making a statement as Konya, Karaman, Artvin, Rize, Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Yozgat, Samsun, Sinop, Kastamonu, Bartin, Kırklareli, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Aksaray, Niğde, Mardin, Şırnak, Siirt, Batman, Ardahan, Mersin, Antalya We can say that there is and will be intense interest in these cities because of this.”

The people of Istanbul, frightened by the recent earthquakes, turned to search for alternatives.

Real Estate Specialist Şule Alp said, “Demand for Edirne and Kırklareli has increased due to its distance from the fault line and close proximity to Istanbul. Many citizens living in Istanbul started to buy or rent land and houses from Edirne and Kırklareli. We observe that Tekirdağ, which is on the fault line, is not preferred. Due to the earthquake, our citizens living in Istanbul are looking for second spaces in order to have living spaces where they can stay temporarily or seasonally. Vineyard houses, village houses, highland houses, dwellings close to nature in the city periphery, summer houses are among the most demanded now, especially  the interest in single-storey or low-rise places with easy access to schools, hospitals and shopping centers.

This mobility will, on the one hand, cause the crowded cities to become even more crowded, and on the other hand, the population of the provinces experiencing disasters will decrease. Thus, the population ratio between cities will become unbalanced. The painful earthquake we are experiencing requires planning and follow-up as it has the potential to have a large demographic impact. It will be one of the most important elements needed in the future, apart from physical and psycho-social studies, for authorized institutions to share data frequently and openly in the context of population and migration mobility, and for researchers to conduct more in-depth research in these regions.” he said.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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