Masaüstü Reklam
Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık We Aim To Leave A Legacy Looking Hopefully To The Future

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık: “We Aim to Leave a Legacy Looking Hopefully to the Future

The Yasemin Açık Foundation has been founded with the aim of fostering solidarity in education, health, environment, sustainable development, and social and cultural domains, as well as conducting research activities. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık, one of Turkey’s leading female industrialists and the initiator of one of the largest private sector investments in the Eastern Anatolia Region throughout the history of the Republic, will serve as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the foundation. Emphasizing a comprehensive approach under the theme of “Human, Life, and Future,” Prof. Dr. Açık stated, “We aspire to leave a legacy that carries the achievements of the first century of the Republic and sheds light on its second century.”

Yasemin Açık Foundation Aims to Contribute to Turkey’s Sustainable Development

The newly established Yasemin Açık Foundation has set its sights on contributing to Turkey’s sustainable development, strengthening social solidarity, increasing mutual assistance, and conducting research in economic, social, and cultural fields. The Chair of the Board of Trustees for the foundation is Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık, a well-known figure in academia, business, and civil society.

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık Geleceğe Umutla Bakan Bir Miras Bırakmayı Amaçlıyoruz (2)
Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık: A Quarter Century of Continuous Civil Society Experience

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık, one of Turkey’s prominent female industrialists, has been actively engaged in civil society activities for many years, focusing on projects in education, sustainable development, and advocacy for disadvantaged groups. She has held significant positions such as Chair of the Department of Public Health at Fırat University Medical Faculty, Founding President of Elazığ Business Women’s Association (ELİKAD), Chair of the Board of Directors of FIRATSİFED, and Member of the Board of Directors of TÜRKONFED. Açık also played a leading role in the establishment of the Seza Cement factory, one of the largest private sector investments in the Eastern Anatolia Region in the history of the Republic.

Trustees of the Foundation and Areas of Operation

The Board of Trustees of the foundation includes Sezai Açık, Selin Açık, and Cansu Açık. The foundation’s areas of operation encompass education, health, environment, economy, sustainable development, and social and cultural domains. Yasemin Açık Foundation also aims to collaborate with universities and civil society organizations to carry out research and projects related to Turkish language, culture, art, and cultural heritage.

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık: “We Aim to Leave a Legacy of Hope for the Future”

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık, Chair of the Board of Trustees, expressed her joy in completing the establishment of the foundation on the 100th anniversary of the Republic. Açık stated, “As a woman of the Republic, I am both excited and feel a great responsibility to establish this foundation in our 100th year. We aim to realize projects that will shed light on the second century of our Republic and add value. With this foundation, we aim to leave a legacy that carries the achievements of the first century of the Republic, offering hope for the future. We hope that the positive effects created by our foundation will inspire future generations.”

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık Geleceğe Umutla Bakan Bir Miras Bırakmayı Amaçlıyoruz (3)
Prof. Dr. Yasemin Açık

“We Will Work on Issues Requiring Solutions and Support”

Highlighting her extensive experience in civil society throughout her academic and ongoing professional life, Açık said, “As someone proud to have served in civil society for many years, I am excited to realize one of my biggest dreams with this foundation. Together with this foundation, we will approach our work that benefits society under the focus of ‘Human, Life, and Future’ in a comprehensive manner. We will work on issues we believe require solutions and support, ranging from projects supporting science and education to equal participation of women in all aspects of life.”

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