Masaüstü Reklam
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President Büyükakın: We will never leave you alone

President Büyükakın, who came from the earthquake region and met with the guests in Kocaeli, said, “We will never leave you alone.”

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Büyükakın had a fast-breaking meal with the families who came to Kocaeli from the earthquake region, where the 6 February earthquakes, the disaster of the century, were experienced and affected by the provincial associations of the seven provinces. President Büyükakın, who made a speech after the fast-breaking fast by saying, “We are in the month of Ramadan, when we experience the best examples of brotherhood, mercy, and blessings,” said, “We are experiencing one of the best examples of brotherhood and sharing together, again this Ramadan, but in a bittersweet way. There are no hopeless situations in difficult times. There are hopeless people. When our city was shaken by a great earthquake in 99, how will we, who lived in that day, recover this city? Will these things work out? Will this city come to life? we asked ourselves. But all is well, my brothers. Believe me, it will all be alright. You just won’t be able to forget your pain. Others are all coming back,” he said.


After the fast-breaking dinner with Kocaeli Şanlıurfalılar Association, Kahramanmaraş Culture Promotion Education Culture and Solidarity Association, Gaziantep Associations Confederation, İzmit Çukurovalılar Culture and Solidarity Association, Kocaeli Malatyalılar Assistance and Solidarity Association, Kocaeli Diyarbakırlılar Assistance and Solidarity Association and Kocaeli Adıyamanlılar Social Assistance and Solidarity Association. Continuing his speech, President Büyükakın said,

“By Allah’s leave, there is no problem that we cannot overcome as long as we are together and our hearts beat together. See, the earthquake zone is recovering quickly. We spent our first month in Hatay. Our worst city to experience the earthquake was Hatay. However, the last time I went to Hatay, I was very happy that the traffic started. People began to come back, the streets began to fill with people. By the grace of God, it will be restored. It will rise, too,” he said.


President Büyükakın said in his speech, “We continue to build this city so that the same thing does not happen to us again. In Kocaeli, on the one hand, my person and our institution, on the other hand, the governor, are trying to demolish the buildings left over from the 99 earthquake. Seven of them are still severely damaged by court order. 1400 moderately damaged buildings remain. We were able to demolish only 250 of them. We say that we, as the municipality, will destroy it. Unfortunately, there are those who say that they will whitewash their moderately damaged building and sell it to someone else. They are human beings too. But believe that good and beautiful people are in the majority. Goodness and beauty abound. Good and beautiful people should fight and should not give up the bad ones. We will work hard, stand united and stand tall, by Allah’s leave, we will overcome all of this together.”


Mayor Büyükakın reminded once again that “Neither our state, our municipalities nor our NGOs will leave you alone in our city and in your own cities” and concluded his speech as follows: “I would like to thank especially my association presidents. They were in the field from day one. They were also in cooperation with us afterwards. You came here, they took care of you, they didn’t let go. They will not leave you when you return tomorrow. They made an incredible effort. I owe them my heartfelt thanks once again on behalf of my city. May my Lord not give an opportunity to those who covet our unity, our well-being. I wish him to reach many happy holidays together as brothers and sisters.”

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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