Masaüstü Reklam
Baskan Altay Depremde Gorev Alanlar Tum Milletimiz Tarafindan Hayirla Yad Edilecek 9095.jpg

President Altay: “Those who took part in the earthquake will be fondly remembered by our nation”

Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim met with the personnel of the Metropolitan Municipality Science Affairs, Building Control and Transportation departments in Hatay and presented a certificate of appreciation for their devoted work.

President Altay said, “What we experienced on February 6 will be in our minds and hearts as a pain that will not be forgotten for a long time. As Konya, not only in Antakya, not in Konya; We achieved a success that everyone in Turkey looks up to with envy. Those who took office at that time will always be remembered fondly by our entire nation. We are presenting this document to you to commemorate you and to document it.”

Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay met with the employees of the Metropolitan Municipality Science Affairs, Building Control and Transportation Departments working in Hatay after the earthquake.

Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay, who came together with the personnel in the Department of Science Affairs and the Building Control Department at the Konya Metropolitan Municipality Council, stated that those whose work was done in the earthquake-related duties began to return to their duties and said, “We proudly saw that the same thing happened on July 15. We lived in the same time, our friends never looked left or right when they were given the task. It’s like you all mobilized to go. For that, I thank each and every one of you individually. God bless you,” he said.


Noting that they had a very difficult time especially in the first days, President Altay said, “But we all made a great effort to see if we could get another person alive or meet someone else’s need. This disaster will not be forgotten for a long time. Because there has never been a disaster in which so many people died at the same time, in a difficult situation and our country has experienced in the last period. While these sufferings are experienced, heroism will be told on the one hand. The work done will be remembered and people will appreciate it. As Konya, not only in Antakya, not in Konya; We achieved a success that everyone in Turkey looks up to with envy. Of course, we never did this so that someone would applaud us. Our intention is for the sake of Allah and to eliminate the difficulties and difficulties of our citizens. This goodwill of ours was appreciated all over Turkey. We may have received this thank you personally, but this success is the success of Konya. Under the leadership of our Metropolitan Municipality, our district municipalities, chambers of tradesmen, Chamber of Industry, Chamber of Commerce, Stock Exchange, MUSIAD and non-governmental organizations all worked together. Of course, as always, the locomotive of this work was undertaken by the Metropolitan Municipality and you. We did our duty and made the people of Konya proud. We almost made the heads of the people of Konya upright. This is a great pleasure for us.”


President Altay, who later met with the staff of the Transportation Department, underlined that the transportation unit is one of the busiest working units in normal times, and said that Konya is a city that provides very different services in public transportation, especially in the center. President Altay said, “You have a great effort in this. Both our drivers, our bus drivers and our technical units are working hard to ensure that people in the city go to work in the morning and return comfortably in the evening. In addition to this daily rush, our friends did important work with great effort in the earthquake disaster we experienced. On behalf of all of Turkey, I would like to thank our friends working in the earthquake zone. Because eliminating the difficulty here was very important and valuable not only for the people who experienced the earthquake, but also for the whole of Turkey.


President Altay said, “It was valuable to be there in difficult times. Things were already in order, but in that first time of despair, it was very important to act quickly by seeing the shortcomings. I would like to thank you especially for your effort in recruiting. Many of our friends wanted to go, we couldn’t send everyone, but I think they got the same reward. Because the important thing was to intend to go there. Our remaining friends made a great effort not to disrupt the work of our other friends here. God bless you. The documents you have have no material value, but this is the document of a story you will tell your children and grandchildren. Because what we experienced on February 6 will be in our minds and hearts as a pain that will not be forgotten for a long time. Those who took office at that time will always be remembered fondly by our entire nation. We present this document to you to commemorate you and to document it. May our unity, togetherness, determination to work, strength and power continue to increase. It is a great pleasure for me to work with you. I come to work every day with a big appetite. Because I truly believe that we are working with the best team in Turkey. We are deeply connected to each other and I hope that the commitment will continue to increase.”

President Altay presented a certificate of appreciation to the Science Affairs, Building Control and Transportation personnel working in Hatay during both visits.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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