Masaüstü Reklam
Sivrisineksiz 2023 Yazina Hazirlik 6048.jpg

Preparation for the mosquito-free summer of 2023

The Metropolitan Municipality works non-stop for a mosquito-free summer of 2023, as it does every year, in order to protect public health.

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality continues its struggle against mosquitoes and houseflies that are in the larval stage. In order to prevent the formation of mosquitoes, flies, houseflies and pests in the summer months, the spots where larvae may occur are determined in all districts of Kocaeli and applications are made with physical, chemical, cultural and biological methods.


When using biocidal products approved by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health, it is of great importance to take early precautions against possible fly formation, especially in summer. Thus, it is aimed to ensure that the larvae in mosquito breeding areas are destroyed before they become adults. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Vector Fighting Unit is carrying out implementation studies with 33 teams and vehicles, 71 personnel, and 1 4×4 amphibious vehicle capable of going both on land and in water.

REPRODUCTION IN stagnant waters

Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes can live in winter, regardless of their stage. Mosquito hatchlings (larvae and pupa) need a small pond to complete their growth phase. This could be muddy rainwater, swamp, paddy, pond water, or water that has accumulated in a tin container. A female mosquito can lay about 400 eggs in a single egg laying. Mosquitoes, which live an average of 3 weeks, can lay eggs about 3 times. So a mosquito can lay about 1,200 eggs in its lifetime.


Authorities state that it is necessary to cover water storage tanks such as water storage tanks, buckets, barrels and jerrycans around houses in order to fight mosquitoes and prevent mosquito-borne diseases. It is underlined that when the water left in puddles, gutters and under pots after rain is kept for a while, it creates an ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed. The authorities express their gratitude for the sensitivity shown by our citizens in the past years in the fight against mosquitoes, and it is emphasized that in order to maintain the same sensitivity this year, the puddles we see around should be brought to a condition that does not create an environment for mosquitoes.


With the decrease in air temperatures, mosquitoes and houseflies prefer warm and humid areas to spend the winter months. Mosquitoes are eliminated by fogging with the Termalfog device in areas such as building basements, manholes, rain grates, closed channels, cesspools, where mosquitoes shelter and reproduce in the wintering struggle, which continues until March every year. Female mosquitoes need blood to lay eggs and reproduce. For this reason, only female mosquitoes bite and suck blood. The food of male mosquitoes consists of sugar and protein, which they get from plant and fruit juices.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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