Pia, the daughter of Umur Bugay, the unforgettable screenwriter of Hababam Sınıfı, has come before her readers with her new book “Kimsesiz Kız Çocuğu” (“The Orphaned Girl”). Published by Alfa Publishing and drawing attention with its social messages, the book was introduced at a special launch event held at Minoa Pera.
The author, who will now write exclusively under the name “Pia,” aims to give a voice to orphaned, lonely, and helpless girls through her new book. During her speech at the launch, Pia said:
“This book is not just the story of one girl; it is also a call and a rebellion aimed at fostering profound changes in the lack of care shown to girls in our societal structure. I wanted to amplify the voices of girls whose hope, self-confidence, and freedom have been taken from them. Without ever losing my sense of humor, I aim to highlight the oppression faced by marginalized women and girls.”
The launch event attracted significant attention from prominent figures in society and the business world, as well as members of the press. During the event, Pia signed copies of her book for readers and stated that with this work, she is opening a new chapter in her writing career by addressing a social issue.
“Kimsesiz Kız Çocuğu” is now available in bookstores and online sales platforms!