The comedy film “Aile Çıkmazı,” starring Ferit Aktuğ, Bihter Dinçel, Muharrem Türkseven, and Ruhi Sarı, produced by AKC Film, met its audience recently through a gala and preview screening, attended by numerous esteemed figures from the press, arts, and society.
Directed by Emre Bahadır Çırakoğlu, the film expertly integrates comedy and adventure. Crafted by the pen of Özgür Akçay, the production stands out, offering viewers an unforgettable experience through Akçay’s depth of character and ability to create a rich fictional world.
With an extraordinary atmosphere and compelling performances, the film achieves great success in connecting with the audience. Alper Baytekin, Burcu Cavrar, Esra Kılıç, Sercan Gülbahar, Sarp Bozkurt, Melis İşiten, Mina Akdin, and Ahmet Hakan Ünal deliver magnificent acting performances.
Set in Cairo and Istanbul, “Aile Çıkmazı” narrates the entertaining and adventure-filled events sparked by a priceless statue discovered by academic parents during an archaeological excavation in Egypt.
The film humorously portrays the dynamics and relationships within the family while highlighting the power and significance of familial bonds amidst the comedic predicaments they face.
Going beyond providing an unforgettable time for viewers, this film delves deeply into family values, taking audiences on an emotional journey while making them laugh.
The film’s preview and gala took place at the Paribu Cineverse Kanyon stage, accompanied by a special iftar dinner, attracting a large audience with the participation of esteemed figures from the industry. Concluding with a standing ovation, the film has already secured its place among the most-watched productions of the year.
“Aile Çıkmazı” hits theaters nationwide starting from March 15th!