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New Trends Shaping Global Networks Zyxel

New Trends Shaping Global Networks / Zyxel

Zyxel outlines trends that will shape global networks in 2023

2023 will be a year when some key technologies will gain more meaning in our lives rather than new trends. In this context, it is possible to say that WiFi 6 and cyber security technologies will be the most prominent topics throughout the year. 2023 will be a maturing period for both WiFi 6 and cybersecurity technologies. Organizations will invest more in cybersecurity to better protect their expanding business networks. WiFi 6, where its potential in the business world will be revealed more this year, will take its place at the center of industrial growth.

Hybrid work, which we met with the pandemic, continues to be in our lives in line with the needs of employers and employees, regardless of the epidemic. However, the business world, which was caught unprepared for the security breaches that occurred with remote working especially in 2021 and 2022, is much more conscious of cyber attacks this time. The cyber security muscles of the enterprises are also stronger against the risks that are especially concentrated in the work done with third party companies. At this point, the points that give hope to the sector compared to the pandemic; Businesses have recognized cybercrime such as ransomware as an existential threat and have taken proactive steps in cybersecurity and data protection.

The transition to endpoint security will accelerate

Increasing awareness of cybersecurity in the industry is encouraging for the entire ecosystem. However, many organizations still entrust their business network to traditional solutions such as security gateways. Unfortunately, this approach is extremely ineffective in fending off the far-reaching threats facing modern networks. As the number of employees who are out of the office due to hybrid work increases, more business devices are open to accessing web applications in particular. When these devices are used for personal banking or social media, they mean more entry points for cybercriminals to infiltrate the corporate network in successful phishing attacks. It is not possible to try to ensure that every user follows company security policies on all their devices.

For exactly these reasons, there has been a significant increase in the number of businesses that want cloud-based endpoint security that can monitor and control security settings on all working devices in 2022. In 2023, endpoint security will become an important trend for the entire industry. In fact, by 2025, 80% of businesses plan to source their web, cloud service, and private application access from a single vendor, while 60% will adopt a zero-trust security approach.

These unified solutions take security controls (e.g., content filtering) at a company’s headquarters or branch office and apply them to remote workers (ideally across all operating systems), providing consistent protection for all endpoints, including web, private access, and SaaS applications. With their centralized management and more integration options, these solutions also come with significant advantages when it comes to ease of management and efficiency.

2023 will be the year of greater adoption of WiFi 6/6E

Promising high speeds and low latency, WiFi 6 offers obvious competitive advantages. Hotels, schools, factories and healthcare facilities are already investing in WiFi 6 supported networks to deliver critical applications and services that were not possible before.

Although this technology was officially introduced in 2018, a critical mass of compatible equipment has been reached that will only allow the potential of WiFi 6 to be realized by 2022. In the first quarter alone, WiFi 6 access points accounted for 70% of revenue and 59% of shipments in the access point market segment. This trend will naturally accelerate in 2023 and gain additional momentum thanks to these two factors.

The first of the factors that will accelerate the transition to Wi Fi 6 is physically returning to the offices. Businesses that started to work remotely with the pandemic did not rush to switch to WiFi 6 and WiFi 6E in empty offices. But with the full return to offices, businesses have no excuse for this.

However, home networks will be the second growth driver in WiFi 6 adoption in 2023. With a range of consumer and manufacturer WiFi 6 and 6E products finally available, home office workers and other users will be able to take advantage of this enterprise-grade wireless technology. This will mean increased efficiency and capacity with reduced latency for seamless remote working and home entertainment experiences.

Another trend that will emerge during the transition to WiFi 6 will be data security and privacy. As small businesses in particular seek better protection, consumers are increasingly concerned about being tracked online. With the emergence of solutions such as Connect & Protect, it is certain that this trend will accelerate in 2023.

Technologies like these ensure that everything and everyone connected to a network is protected in a user-friendly package. In businesses such as hostels or small cafes, the configuration and operation of devices, with all predefined security settings, can be managed remotely and easily on a single platform via the cloud.

These Access point security solutions can filter malicious websites and other unsafe web content to prevent security breaches and personal or business data leaks. And Connect & Protect makes online activity easy to understand, while offering anonymized data to protect WiFi users’ privacy when accessing the web via public access point and guest networks.


For more than 30 years, Zyxel Networks, the leader of secure and cloud-enabled network solutions, has helped organizations and home users stay connected, enabling people to unleash their potential. Zyxel Networks offers a streamlined and unified network experience thanks to cloud technologies, protecting against cyber threats emerging in a different format every day, as well as providing flexible solutions suitable for the size of small and medium-sized companies. Zyxel Networks, which became a separate unit from Zyxel Communications in 2019, has a leading position in the networking industry in 150 different countries. Zyxel, which has taken its place in homes and workplaces with 100 million devices, all of which have become smarter with Zyxel solutions, is preferred by over 1 million businesses. Building future networking technologies to empower users at work, play and life, Zyxel meets the needs of modern workplaces. For more information, you can visit

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