Appointments and job changes were made to the management staff vacated by resignations in some companies within the body of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.
Accordingly, Grand Plaza A.Ş. General Manager Hasan Ikat has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, Arda Şekercioğlu, General Manager of İZULAŞ, Grand Plaza A.Ş. He was appointed to the General Manager. Grand Plaza A.S. Ayhan Balıkçı, Chairman of the Board of Directors of İZTEK A.Ş. He became Chairman of the Board of Directors.
İZENERJİ Deputy General Manager Ali Celal Ergin İZULAŞ was appointed as Deputy General Manager. Ali Ercan Türkoğlu, Chairman of the Board of İZENERJİ, will also be the Deputy General Manager of the company in addition to his current position.
Metro Inc. General Manager Sönmez Alev was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, while Metro A.Ş. Deputy General Manager Ertan Sayılkan was appointed as the Deputy General Manager of the company. Metro Inc. While Raif Canbek, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, handed over this task to Alev, he will continue as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of İZBAN, at the same time as Metro A.Ş. He will serve as a Member of the Board of Directors.
IZDOGA A.S. Deputy General Manager Özkan Baturu was also appointed as the Deputy General Manager of the company.
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency