Masaüstü Reklam
Neoartgallery Brought Turkish Artists Together With Art Lovers Of Italy At The 21st Vernice Art Fair

NeoArtGallery Brought Turkish Artists Together with Art Lovers of Italy at the 21st Vernice Art Fair

The 21st Vernice Art Fair / EuroExpoArt was held in Forli, Italy between March 15-17, 2024. The 21st edition of the fair, which has a very important place in Italy as it is the only fair in which artists can participate independently, was held this year. The 8th edition of EuroExpoArt, directed by Ferdan Yusufi and Gergio Bertozzi and organized by NeoArtGallery, took place as a section of the fair reserved for international artists.

Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (2)

The works of the artists participating in the project named “Yellow Dream Zone”, whose project management is carried out by Günsu Saraçoğlu, were appreciated by the art audience.

At the 21st Vernice Art Fair, the artists who took part in the “Yellow Dream Zone” project; Esma Kudar, Eduard Alan Bulut, Tuğba Küçükbahar, Yeşim Özyurtcu, Nerkiz Akcura, Betül Ketenci, Dilek Kırbıyıkoğlu, Dora, Aslıhan Çiftgül successfully represented our country on the international art platform. At the same time, Artist Günsu Saraçoğlu took part in the fair with her virtual gallery named “ReBirth” and a video presentation of her digital works.

Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (3)

Ferdan Yusufi, Art Director of NeoArtGallery Culture and Art Association, evaluated the fair process in the following words:

“Our aim is to create a “Piazza dell’Artte” (Art Square) in the city of Forli in Emilia Romagna, the richest region of Italy in terms of culture and economy, opening new paths for many artists and introducing them to Italian art lovers. Every year, on the dates of the fair, the most important exhibitions of Italy are opened in the San Domenico Museum in the center of the city. Thousands of art lovers from Italy and many other countries visit this museum, which keeps the fair alive. Over time, the participation of non-Italian artists in the fair has increased.”

Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (4)
Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (5)

Visited by a large audience, the 2024 Vernice Art Fair/EuroExpoArt brought together a large number of artists from different nations and their works with Italian art lovers for three days.

Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (6)
Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (8)
Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (9)
Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (10)
Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (11)
Türk Sanatçılar, 21. Vernice Sanat Fuarı'nda Yellow Dream Zone Projesi Ile Uluslararası Sanat Platformunda (7)
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