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Millet Ittifaki Belediye Baskanlari Izmir De Bulustu 2950.jpg

Nation Alliance Mayors met in Izmir

On the sixth day of the Second Century Economics Congress, the mayors of the Nation Alliance met in Izmir. President Soyer said, “The Economics Congress of the Second Century will end with extremely rich data that will guide us. I would like to say that your contributions and evaluations will be included in the congress document as the congress output.”

The mayors of the Nation Alliance met in Izmir on the sixth day of the Second Century Economics Congress, which was titled “Invitation to Innovation” and called on all of Turkey to build the future. Mayors gathered at İsmet İnönü Art Center in Kültürpark and evaluated the work of the Second Century Economics Congress. The presidents also discussed local economic development models in the resilient cities of the future.

“The Economic Congress of the Second Century will be a compass”

Stating that workers, farmers, industrialists, traders and tradesmen have great self-confidence and hope like 100 years ago, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer said, “It is actually very valuable for everyone who makes politics in this country to reveal dreams and aspirations from the capillaries of this country. Especially for local authorities. After it is over, we will send you the decisions of all these meetings, the minutes of the decision-making process and all of them. The Economics Congress of the Second Century will eventually end with extremely rich data that will act as a compass and guide us. As of tomorrow, we are completing the very rich and productive congress, which has become a social contract enriched with differences.”

“It will be included in the congress document”

Stating that they will follow the decisions that will come out of the congress, President Tunç Soyer said, “We saw that the scratches of the leaders of the Six Tables about the future overlap with the demands coming from the capillaries below. It will be very possible for us to be his followers. We really hope that this meeting, the follow-up of this congress, will guide your work. We wanted to have a database that will inspire and contribute to your decisions, projects and applications. We find the meeting valuable. I would like to say that your contributions and evaluations will be included in the congress document as a congress output.”

“It is good that the Nation Alliance has mayors”

Seyit Torun, Deputy Chairman of the Republican People’s Party in charge of Local Administrations, stated that they have completed the works to implement local development and that they will increase their revenues for the effective service of municipalities. Torun said, “The mismanagement of the political power has left deep wounds in our country. You undertake a historical mission to close these wounds. You, as our mayors all over our country, rushed to help. You have delivered services to our people that the government could not provide. Good luck to you. Fortunately, the CHP and the Nation Alliance have mayors. Despite all the negativities since 2019, if there has been no social disaster in Turkey, it is thanks to the Nation Alliance municipalities. We are now at a very important turning point for our country. We need only one thing to make our dreams come true for Turkey. We must win this election for the future of our children. We will protect the spirit of the republic and our country. We will protect the law, justice, morality and conscience.” said.

Dozens of different provinces participated

The Congress also brought together the mayors of the Nation Alliance. Mayor of Adana Metropolitan Municipality Zeydan Karalar, Mayor of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Muhittin Insect, Mayor of Ardahan Faruk Demir, Mayor of Artvin Demirhan Elçin, Mayor of Bilecik Melek Mızrak Subaşı, Mayor of Burdur Ali Orkun Ercengiz, Mayor of Çanakkale Ülgür Gökhan, Mayor of Edirne Recep Gürkan and Sinop Mayor Barış Ayhan.

Foruma Adana, Adıyaman, Afyonkarahisar, Amasya, Ankara, Antalya, Ardahan, Artvin, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bartin, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bolu, Burdur, Bursa, Çanakkale, Çorum, Denizli, Edirne, Eskişehir, Erzincan, Gaziantep, Giresun , Hatay, Isparta, Istanbul, Izmir, Karabuk, Karaman, Kastamonu, Kirklareli, Kirsehir, Kocaeli, Konya, Malatya, Manisa, Mersin, Mugla, Nevsehir, Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Samsun, Tokat, Trabzon, Tunceli, Yalova, Yozgat District mayors in Zonguldak provinces also participated.

Results will be announced on March 21.

The Economics Congress of the Second Century, a civil, transparent and fully participatory initiative, ends on March 21. The declaration, which includes policy proposals that will shape the new century, shaped by farmer, worker and industrialist-merchant-tradess stakeholder groups, expert meetings and high advisory board meetings, will be voted on by all delegates and then shared with the whole of Turkey and the world.

To enter the congress, it is enough to register from the “Economics Congress” mobile application and show the given QR code in the event area. The entire congress is broadcast live on İzmirTube YouTube channel.

The secretariat of the congress is carried out by the İzmir Planning Agency (İZPA), affiliated to the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality. You can visit for the congress program and all other details.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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