Masaüstü Reklam
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support In Education (2)

Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition / Support in Education

Arık brings together many famous names from the art world to the business world with his followers in this exhibition, which will consist of a selection of portrait photographs of the people he framed throughout his art life.

Stating that his main aim is to present his art with a sustainable exhibition series, Arık stated that he has already started preparations for overseas projects in 2023.

The income from black and white portrait photographs that will be sold from single edition prints at the “Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition”, which is open to visitors between January 15 and February 5, will be donated to the contracted institution for the purpose of “Support in Education”.

The launch will be held on January 15th at 13.00 and will end with the talk “On Photography with Murat Arık” at the end of 21 days.

Organized by Jomo Creative and hosted by Emaar Arthub, “Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition” can be visited at Emaar Arthub between January 15 – February 5, 2023 between 10.00-22.00.

Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (8)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (7)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (5)

Arık said that we wanted to leave a piece of “trace” on time with the shadow and light of whatever is related to art, “As we continue to produce and change things together, I wish this change to leave traces of peace in the souls.”

Names Photographed in the Exhibition:

Haluk Bilginer, İsmail Hacıoğlu, Selim Bayraktar, Melis Babadağ, Hazal Şenel, Mert Turak, Bahar Süer, Ceren Benderlioğlu, Cenk Eren, Botan Beyaz, Berna Çağlar, Özge Özkaplan, Aşkım Kapşmak, Tolga Evren, Gökhan Çınar, Hakan Gence, Burak Şafak , Hande Nur Tekin, Kenan Acar, Onur Durmaz, Nil Sude Albayrak, Semih Ertürk, Hakan Aysev, Cenk Kangöz, Yahhya, Onur Aycelik, Ece Uner, Zilan Duru, Kutay Sungar, Tuba Rüya Görgün, Tara Mamedova, Coşkun Karademir, Ebru Helvacıoğlu , Onur Akbay, Deniz Bayramoğlu, Deniz Çatalbaş, Güney Ayhan, Hakan Gence.

Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (6)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (4)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (3)

About Photographer Murat Arık

He was born on December 19, 1993 in Kütahya. Arık, who settled in Fethiye, Muğla with his family at the age of two, completed his primary and secondary education in Fethiye.

Moving to Istanbul in 2008, Arık’s ability to take photographs, which he and his surroundings discovered during his high school education period, led him to a quest and started working in a photography studio in 2009. He improved himself by continuing his education and working in many photography studios for many years.

Creating his own style with simple and candid photographs without filters or tools, directly connected with the experiences and emotions he gained since the day he started his career, Arık had the opportunity to work with many famous names and famous brands from the Art and Business World in his career.

Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (3)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (1)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (2)
Murat Arık Portraits Photography Exhibition Support in Education (1)

In 2021, he launched the 70 Cartoons book, which includes black and white portrait photographs and biographies of 70 important names in the business world. This project was deemed worthy of 2 awards in the Business World.

Murat Arık, who still continues his photo shoots personally and institutionally, is married and has a daughter.

EXHIBITION AREA: Emaar Square AVM -2nd Floor ArtHub Üsküdar/İstanbul

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