Masaüstü Reklam
Looking To The Future With Atatürk S Vision İş Bankası S Atatürk Conference (2)

Looking to the Future with Atatürk’s Vision: İş Bankası’s Atatürk Conference

Historian and author Yuval Noah Harari is coming to Turkey for İş Bankası’s Atatürk Conference

Historian and author Yuval Noah Harari will be among the speakers at the international conference titled “A Glimpse into the Future Century with Atatürk’s Vision,” organized by Türkiye İş Bankası on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of our Republic.

The conference, which will take place on September 28-29, 2023, at İş Kuleleri Salonu, will address a wide range of topics from history to economics, technology, digitization, science, culture, arts, and sports, with a perspective that extends from the past to the future. Prominent speakers from both within the country and abroad will participate.

Yuval Noah Harari, the author of internationally acclaimed books such as “Sapiens,” “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow,” and “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” will participate in the second day of the conference. Harari, known for his comments on artificial intelligence and the future of humanity, will deliver a speech on the topic of “Future Trends” moderated by Bedia Ceylan Güzelce on September 29.

Looking to the Future with Atatürk s Vision İş Bankası s Atatürk Conference (1)

The conference, hosted by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy’s opening speech, and chaired by İş Bankası Chairman of the Board Adnan Bali and General Manager Hakan Aran, will feature speakers including:

  • Thomas J. Sargent, Nobel laureate economist and Economics Professor at New York University,
  • Fabio L. Grassi, Italian academic who teaches Eurasian History, Turkish Language, and History at Roma Sapienza University and has a book titled “Atatürk,”
  • Andrew McAfee, Co-founder of the MIT Digital Economy Initiative,
  • Irina Bokova, former Director-General of UNESCO.

At the conference, leading figures in various fields in Turkey, including Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı, Prof. Dr. Bilsay Kuruç, Prof. Dr. Havva İşkan Işık, Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doğan Çetinkaya, and Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Gündüz Demir, will share their evaluations in their respective fields, drawing inspiration from Atatürk’s vision.

Detailed information about the conference can be found on the website

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