Masaüstü Reklam
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists

Loft Art’s 5th exhibition ‘Another Story’ brings together young and independent artists

Independent art space Loft Art met with art lovers with its fifth exhibition “Another Story”

Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists

Although it has been a short time since its establishment, the art space Loft Art, which gained recognition with the aim of creating equal opportunities in art by providing space for independent and young artists who produce works in all disciplines of art, is meeting art lovers with its new exhibition.

Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (4)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (1)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (2)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (3)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (5)

Loft Art’s fifth exhibition, Another Story, welcomes art lovers at its venue in Istanbul Beşiktaş Nisbetiye On.

The exhibition Another Story, which will be open until Saturday, March 18, 2023, brings together 16 artists who produce works in different mediums, consisting of works of painting, sculpture, photography and installation.

Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (9)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (6)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (8)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (7)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (10)

A large group of guests, consisting of artists and collectors, attended the preview of the exhibition Another Story held on Wednesday, January 18th.


Another Story emphasizes that everyone has their own unique stories in life and that these stories deserve respect and tolerance.

Setting off from the fact that everyone has a story that only he or she can tell, the exhibition underlines that if we go beyond our own stories and become involved in each other’s stories, we can understand the other half of the world and be a part of them, so that we can accept differences not as a threat but as richness. .

Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (11)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (12)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (15)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (14)
Loft Arts 5th exhibition Another Story brings together young and independent artists (13)

In the exhibition Ayşe Gürkaş, Başak Güldürücü, Basako, Cihan Oral, Damla Yücebaş, Deniz Doğruyol, Deniz Yılmazlar | There are works by 16 independent artists, including Karbon, Elif İlayda Bekdemir, Emre Aksu, QucorQ, Selin Akıcı Aral, Selin Çeliktaş, Su Alara Acerol, Tarık Dayan, Tuğba Akça and Zeynep Tunçel Kahyaoğlu.


The first project of Akfen Holding in the field of art, where it aims to provide space for independent artists who produce works in all disciplines while supporting young artists, Loft Art aims to make them visible without getting representation from these artists.

Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists

Works sold in the field of art also become a source for the works of the Human Resources Education and Health Foundation of Turkey (TİKAV), which was established by Akfen Holding and implemented national and international social responsibility projects by focusing on women, youth and children.

Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists
Loft Art's 5th exhibition 'Another Story' brings together young and independent artists

About TIKAV:

Investing in people Turkish Human Resources Education and Health Foundation (TİKAV); It has adopted the mission of providing social benefit by developing projects to raise individuals who can adapt to innovations in the ever-evolving information age, respect social and universal values, are sensitive to the environment, and have social responsibility awareness.

TIKAV’s vision; Our mission is to find solutions for the adaptation of the society to change by working with an innovative understanding in the rapidly changing information world of our age, to bring individuals who will lead the development to the society and to lead the spread of social responsibility awareness.

About Loft Art:

Loft Art started its activities to create an art space for independent artists where they can exhibit their works. Aiming to create equal opportunities in the art market, Loft Art brings together independent artists who produce works in different mediums with the audience.

Starting out with the corporate values adopted by Akfen Holding, Loft Art aims to support the productions of independent artists and to make them visible in the art market.

The works sold at the exhibitions at Loft Art also become a source for the works of the Turkish Human Resources Education and Health Foundation (TİKAV), founded by Akfen Holding, which implements national and international social responsibility projects by focusing on women, youth and children.

Ayşe Jaber is the Art Director of Loft Art, which is under the responsibility of Dilara Akın, Member of the Board of Directors of TIKAV.

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