The traditional Beneficent Iftar Table organized by the Beylikdüzü Municipality every year on the Night of Power was set up for the 8th time. Former presidential candidate and CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Saadet Party leader Temel Karamollaoğlu, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, and Beylikdüzü Mayor Mehmet Murat Çalık broke their fast with thousands of people. Beylikdüzü Mayor Mehmet Murat Çalık, who wished for the acceptance of the fasting and prayers, said in his speech, “Our country and people have been going through difficult times for a long time. We offer our condolences to all of the people we lost in the earthquake and wish our country condolences. We cannot bring back the ones who are gone, but we know that it is possible to build a better life. That’s why we are hopeful. We are hopeful and believe that we will establish a just order where children are happy and young people are hopeful, for a more beautiful country, a Turkey where human life is valued.”
The Beneficent Iftar Table, which has become a tradition by the Beylikdüzü Municipality, was organized for the 8th time this year. Thousands of people, including former presidential candidate and CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Saadet Party leader Temel Karamollaoğlu, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, Beylikdüzü Mayor Mehmet Murat Çalık, CHP Istanbul deputies Özgür Karabat and Turan Aydoğan, as well as provincial and district protocols, attended the iftar. Prayers were offered and fasts were broken at the iftar held in Istanbul on Sunday. Neyler and Defler group performed beautiful melodies of Sufi music at the iftar where the spirituality of the Night of Power was shared.
Çalık: Halil İbrahim Sofrası is growing every day with the participation of all segments of our people
Beylikdüzü Mayor Mehmet Murat Çalık, who wished for the acceptance of the fasting and prayers, said in his speech, “This table that we set up in Beylikdüzü every year always makes us experience good feelings. However, this year’s meeting has a different meaning. Our country and people have been going through difficult times and difficult processes for a long time. We offer our condolences to all the people we lost in the earthquake and wish our country condolences. We cannot bring back the ones who are gone, but we know that it is possible to build a better life. That’s why we are hopeful. We are hopeful and believe that we will establish a just order where children are happy and young people are hopeful, for a more beautiful country, a Turkey where human life is valued.” Mayor Çalık, who stated that they started on the road to a dream of a Turkey where there is no separation, said, “This Halil İbrahim Sofrası, which our chairman established and invited everyone to, is growing every day with the participation of all segments of our people. As this table grows, its blessings, wealth, and love increase as well. We are at a very critical juncture as a country, and we can pass this critical juncture only together,…
Karamollaoğlu: There can be no peace in a country without justice
Saadet Party leader Temel Karamollaoğlu, who stated that they work together to establish peace and tranquility in the country, said “We accept all spiritual issues that keep society together, provide peace, and establish justice as values. Justice comes first among them. Justice is the foundation of the state. There can be no peace or tranquility in a country without justice. But other issues come right after that. Of course, there must be honesty, sacrifice, not eating alone, not letting others go hungry, protecting public property, not allowing it to be wasted through corruption. Without reviving these moral and spiritual values, there can be no peace in a society. If there is no justice in a society, if corruption has become a rule in a society, and if there is no hesitation to waste resources to gain prestige, the problems in that country will grow like an avalanche, not only spiritually but also materially. Especially politicians have an obligation to take this issue seriously. If a politician prioritizes his own interests, his surroundings, and those who do politics with him before the society, there will be no good results. We are obliged to declare a total mobilization to meet the material needs of a society.”
“We will develop this country as a whole”
In his speech, Karamollaoğlu said, “Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu emphasizes this every time. We will develop this country as a whole. We are obliged to develop all the people in this country, from Edirne to Kars, from Hakkari to Denizli. For this, we must make serious efforts in development, industrialization, and technological advancement. We will establish new institutions, conduct research and development. We will raise the level and standard of living of society. In order to do better, to do more advanced work, we must roll up our sleeves and not only provide opportunities for one person but also for entrepreneurs in a broader sense. We do not live alone in the world. We have neighbors, we have countries with whom we have relationships. We are obliged to form a dignified policy in these countries.”
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the 13th Presidential Candidate and the Leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), started his speech by greeting the attendees of the iftar and emphasizing the importance of the Night of Power. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that “Kadir”, which is one of the ninety-nine names of Allah in the Asma al-Husna, means powerful, mighty, and also valuable, precious. Therefore, tonight is also a matter of remembering and preserving our common values. As a society, one of our most important common values is our culture of living together. The dough of this culture is kneaded with respect, love, and solidarity.”
Referring to the culture of living together in Turkey, Kılıçdaroğlu said, “The richness of our country nourishes the diversity of our society. However, for many years, diversity has been reflected in society as irreconcilable differences. Emphasis on differences has turned into weapons that divide society. Social conflict has been fueled by highlighting identities, and people have been drawn into different groups. As the People’s Alliance, we set out to break this polarization and establish a political culture focused on values, freeing our country from identity politics.”
“This table is the table of fairness and equality”
Kılıçdaroğlu, who stated that there is a place for everyone at the Halil İbrahim table they created by coming together, said:
“As leaders, we sat at the Halil İbrahim table. We invited our people to this table for justice, equality, law, freedom, and fair sharing. In our nation’s table, not only are our stomachs filled, but our unity and togetherness are also strengthened. There is no greed, ambition, ill-intention, or arrogance at this table, but there is consultation, solidarity, and sharing. Whoever sits at this table knows that they also consider those around them. No one reaches for the second bite before swallowing their first bite at this table. Everything placed on this table is seen as a blessing, and nothing is wasted. The Halil İbrahim table we have established for our nation is the table of unity and continuity. It is the table of solidarity, sharing, burning stoves, and ongoing life. This table is the table of fairness and equality. Corruption, wastefulness, inequality, and injustice cannot find a place at this table. The prosperity of this table is also the prosperity of our country. Value-oriented life also flourishes at this table, my friends. These sprouts will turn into saplings, then blossom, and believe me, we will all meet the most beautiful springs together. In this beautiful country, peace and understanding will replace tension, and brotherhood will replace enmity. Our culture of living together will prevail over dirty politics that turn all religious, ethnic, and sectarian differences into a conflict element. I sincerely thank Beylikdüzü Municipality and its valuable mayor Mehmet Murat Çalık, who organized this beautiful iftar on the blessed night of Kadir, and my dear friend, my comrade Ekrem Başkan, who started this tradition here years ago. May Allah accept all our prayers.”
Source: (BYZHA) Beyaz Haber Ajansı