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JCI Turkey is looking for Turkey’s Top Ten Successful Youth!

The Turkish Organizing Team of TOYP (Ten Outstanding Young Person), a global honorary program by JCI (Junior Chamber International), has started its preparations for this year’s event with a General Meeting at OMM in Eskişehir. The 29th TOYP Turkey team, composed of members from JCI Eskişehir Branch and JCI Istanbul Branch, conducted candidate interviews at the MÜYAK Career Festival held at Eskişehir Technical University. Official applications for the 29th TOYP Turkey will begin on May 25, 2023.

TOYP Turkey, which is the Turkish segment of the TOYP program, an honorary program recognizing outstanding young individuals worldwide, is being organized for the 29th time this year. Through the TOYP program, ten young people between the ages of 18 and 40, who have made extraordinary contributions in various fields, including business, politics, science and technology, cultural achievements, humanitarian efforts, and more, are honored for their exceptional contributions to their communities, nations, and the world. The TOYP Turkey program aims to celebrate young individuals who demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities, creativity, innovation, and inspire young people with the potential to create positive change in their communities.

TOYP Turkey, organized by JCI Istanbul Branch on behalf of JCI Turkey for the past 28 years, has started its activities under the leadership of Director Murat Kalaman. As part of these activities, the 29th TOYP Turkey team paid their first visit to JCI Eskişehir team in Eskişehir on Sunday, May 7. The visit, which started at Eskişehir Technical University during the Engineering and Management Academy Career Festival, concluded with a tour of the Odunpazarı Modern Museum.

The official application process for TOYP Turkey will begin on Thursday, May 25, 2023, through the program’s official website,, and will continue until the end of August. Following the application process, the 29th TOYP Turkey team will work on selecting the jury members, establish connections with other JCI branches and representative offices in Turkey to expand the impact of the TOYP program, and aim to discover candidates on-site and enhance interaction. The team’s first destination was Eskişehir, driven by this goal.

The 29th TOYP Turkey team, along with JCI Eskişehir Branch, conducted candidate interviews at the MÜYAK Career Festival held at Eskişehir Technical University. Following the Career Festival, they visited OMM (Odunpazarı Modern Museum), which holds significant symbolic value for Eskişehir, and took a guided tour of the art exhibition. The visits concluded with a meeting planned at OMM INN.

Source: (BYZHA) Beyaz Haber Ajansı

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