World-famous Japanese architect Hiroyuki Unemori, speaking within the scope of the Second Century Economics Congress, conveyed his earthquake-resistant and harmonious architectural works in Japan and said, “We need to think about cities in a hundred years.”
Within the scope of the Second Century Economics Congress, Japanese architect Hiroyuki Unemori made a presentation with the title “Resilient Cities in the World of the Future”. Hiroyuki Unemori said, “I came to Turkey for the first time. I saw Istanbul and Izmir. In these two cities, eastern and western cultures have achieved a very good harmony. We need to think about cities in a hundred years. What kind of problems will arise in the future, it is necessary to evaluate them well”.
“Cities have been restructured against earthquakes”
Explaining the construction project created against earthquakes in Japan, Unemori said, “There are many earthquakes in Japan. There are more than 20 earthquakes every year. In this sense, we implemented the next stage in city planning. By developing building standards, cities were prepared for subsequent earthquakes. The re-enforcement process goes through different stages. First, we put forward temporary housing and infrastructure. Then we completed the restructuring process. Then public buildings such as community centers were built. It is also important how we create places where people can come together.”
“People experiencing the disaster want to interact with each other”
Unemori, who showed the structural transformation projects in the places where the earthquake caused destruction in Japan, and examples of resistant buildings based on technology, said that citizens should also be included in the process for transformation. “We understood how important it is to listen to the voices of the citizens,” Unemori said. Citizens participate in this process. We organized over 30 workshops and listened to many ideas. People want to listen to someone to learn. Because people experiencing disaster want to interact with each other. We also planned areas where people could meet and interact in the buildings we built. The places where strong public buildings are built will also provide the formation of assembly centers. I hope that what I have told you will inspire you as well.”
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency