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Investing In The Future In The Logistics Sector Turkey's 26 Logistics Centre Plans (2)

Investing in the Future in the Logistics Sector: Turkey’s 26 Logistics Centre Plans

Logistics centres, which are increasing in number, whose physical conditions are improved and strengthened with technological facilities, will boost the Turkish economy in the second century of our republic. Stating that 13 logistics centres have been put into operation since 2002, Zeynep Akman, General Manager of Logista Global Logistics, said: “Currently, the survey, project and planning works of 7 logistics centres are in progress. By 2053, it is planned to increase the number of logistics centres in our country from 13 to 26. Logistics centres will directly affect the future of our country.”

Logistics is one of the most important sectors of export-oriented growing Turkey. Investments in such a critical sector are carried out by both the public and private sectors. One of the best examples of this is the doubling of the number of logistics centres in Turkey.

Lojistik Sektöründe Dev Adım Türkiye'nin 26 Lojistik Merkez Vizyonu (5)

In the statement made by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, it was stated that the number of logistics centres in Turkey will be increased from 13 to 26. Zeynep Akman, General Manager of Logista Global Logistics, said: “Turkey has adopted export-oriented growth as its strategic goal in recent years. The golden key to success in exports is logistics. We see that there are very important investments from the private sector, especially the investments of our Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. These investments are extremely pleasing for our sector.”


Zeynep Akman, General Manager of Logista Global Logistics, underlined that Turkey is located at the intersection of continents such as Asia-Europe-Africa, and is in the centre of China, India, Russia, CIS and Middle East countries. We are in a very special location as a country. With a 4-hour flight time from Turkey, we can reach 67 countries where approximately 1.4 billion people live and have a trade volume of 8 trillion 600 billion dollars. It would not be an exaggeration to say that we are at the centre of world trade.”

Investing In The Future In The Logistics Sector Turkey's 26 Logistics Centre Plans (1)


Stating that the logistics sector has now become a branch of science, Akman finally gave the following information: “The logistics sector in our country is reaching the position it deserves day by day. As a sector, we have to blend independent sectors within ourselves and adapt to the sectors we do business with. This brings us logisticians to be very flexible, to think fast and to be a part of the solution by providing partner services. Turkey will be the winner with the increase in the number of logistics centres, the improvement of the infrastructures in logistics centres and the inclusion of technological facilities in the logistics sector. With all these factors, I foresee that Turkey’s trade will accelerate and the logistics sector will be the most important sector in the second century of our republic. 13 logistics centres have been put into operation since 2002. Sivas, Kayseri Boğazköprü and Rize İyidere logistics centres are under construction. Survey, project and planning studies are ongoing for 7 logistics centres, namely Bilecik-Bozüyük, Mardin, Ovaköy, Istanbul European Side, Çerkezköy, Çandarlı İzmir and Filyos. By 2053, it is planned to increase the number of logistics centres in our country from 13 to 26. This is a pleasing development not only for our sector but also for the economy of our country. We care about logistics centres and we closely follow the developments in these centres as all sector players.”

Lojistik Sektöründe Dev Adım Türkiye'nin 26 Lojistik Merkez Vizyonu (2)
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