Immunocompromised patients are a special group whose treatment should continue without interruption. Because these patients are much more prone to infections than other individuals, it obliges them to pay attention to sanitation and hygiene recommendations as much as possible. For this reason, underlining that appropriate hygienic environments should be created by taking additional precautions for patients in the earthquake area, Prof. Dr. Elif Karakoç Aydıner said, “Physicians in the centers and patient platforms should be in constant communication with immunodeficient patients who can easily become infected.”
Since patients with immunodeficiency are very sensitive to infections, creating a suitable accommodation and hygienic environment is much more important than other patient groups. Stating that if this environment cannot be provided, patients must be referred to an appropriate health institution. Turkish National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Association Member Prof. Dr. Elif Karakoç warned about the issue.
“Additional measures should be taken for access to clean drinking water, appropriate shelter, waste management, isolation”
Pointing out that infections may increase temporarily due to inappropriate living conditions after the earthquake, Karakoç said, “Since immunocompromised patients are much more prone to infections than other individuals, sanitation and hygiene recommendations should be paid attention to at the highest level possible. It is also vital to take additional measures for access to clean drinking water, appropriate shelter, waste management and isolation to reduce the risk of infection. In addition to these, paying attention to the use of masks and hand cleaning in every environment plays a preventive role in avoiding diseases.”

“Physicians and patients should be in constant communication for access to medicine”
Continuing, “It is natural for our patients to experience disruptions in their treatment and follow-up in the first days after the earthquake, it is vital that they continue with their medications and physician checks as soon as possible,” Karakoç said, adding: “If this is not possible, they should notify the mobile health teams, if this is not possible, to the health institutions or field hospitals. and it is recommended that they make a request for the drugs they are using. Access to immunoglobulin preparations, which are used by many patients with primary immunodeficiency and are very important in preventing infections, is essential. Since these products have special prescription, storage and application conditions, if these cannot be provided, patients should be referred to appropriate centers in order to prevent disruption and continuity of treatment. In the current situation, the reporting period has been extended and there is no prescription requirement.”
“They should be referred to a suitable center”
Karakoç stated that if there is a complaint or symptom that he or she has an infection, the patient with immunodeficiency should reach the nearest health team and request the referral to the appropriate center. Our earthquake victims should apply to the provincial/district/hospital social services unit in person or through their physicians in order to receive support, including all family members, in line with their needs in the city and/or hospital to which they are referred.”
About Turkish National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Association (AID):
The Turkish National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Association (AID), the first association established in the field of allergy and immunology in our country, gathers adult-child allergy and clinical immunology specialists under one roof. AID, which aims to contribute to the development of the science and service of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in our country and to raise awareness in the society about allergic – immunological diseases, organizes congresses and scientific meetings with international participation, ensuring that branch physicians and related health personnel are updated with the latest information. Collaborating with international scientific institutions (AAAAI, EAACI, SIAF, WAO), the association has successfully held congresses and courses organized by international institutions in our country in the light of these collaborations, and has made an important contribution to the advancement of science by successfully representing our country. Again, the association, which stands out with its mission of raising awareness, provides financial support for its members to participate in scientific meetings, and various training meetings in the form of courses and schools are held free of charge, apart from the members of the association.