Masaüstü Reklam
Ic Ibrahim Cecen Foundation Provides Significant Support To Gastronomy Education At Ağrı Ibrahim Cecen University

IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation provides significant support to gastronomy education at Ağrı Ibrahim Cecen University

The IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation took a significant step in the field of gastronomy education by inaugurating the application kitchen at Ağrı Ibrahim Cecen University. This initiative aims to maximize the potential in the gastronomy and tourism sectors by providing students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge into practice. The accompanying discussion held during the opening brought together leading figures in the industry, offering valuable insights for students to define their career goals.

IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation Increases Investment with the Application Kitchen

The IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation made a comprehensive investment in gastronomy education at Ağrı Ibrahim Cecen University by opening an Application Kitchen, allowing students to combine theoretical knowledge with real-world experiences. This step enables students to enhance their culinary skills and enter the industry more prepared.

Industry Leaders Guide Students in the Panel

The opening event was crowned with a panel held on December 6. The panel aimed to integrate the gastronomy and tourism sectors and illuminate career paths for students. Industry leaders provided valuable information about recent developments in the sector, career opportunities, and notable innovations, helping students make informed decisions about their career goals.

Ic İbrahim Çeçen Vakfı, Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi'nde Gastronomi Eğitimine Büyük Destek (1)

Application Kitchen: Training in Professional Kitchen Conditions

The newly opened application kitchen will provide students with the opportunity to receive training in professional kitchen conditions. Equipped with modern tools, this kitchen will assist students in developing skills to work with special ingredients and overcome challenges encountered in kitchen practices.

Gastronomy Education: Where Science, Art, and Practical Skills Converge

The education program, starting on December 7, aims to teach students the multidisciplinary nature of gastronomy, connecting the science and art of cooking with health, technology, science, and social sciences. This approach seeks to develop students’ scientific and practical skills, enabling them to join the industry in a more qualified manner.

Sustainable Development Goal: Meeting Point of Gastronomy and Tourism

The IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation’s innovative project aims to provide students with a broad perspective at the intersection of gastronomy and tourism. The project is planned to be completed in the initial phase within 12 months, followed by sustainability. During this period, the IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation, in collaboration with Ağrı Ibrahim Cecen University and IC Group Companies, will ensure the continuity of the project.

Ic İbrahim Çeçen Vakfı, Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi'nde Gastronomi Eğitimine Büyük Destek (3)

IC Holding and IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation Open Doors for Students

Speaking at the opening program, Prof. Dr. Abdulhalik Karabulut, the Rector of Ağrı Ibrahim Cecen University, stated that IC Holding and IC Ibrahim Cecen Foundation have opened their doors for internships and job applications for students, emphasizing that collaboration with these esteemed institutions offers unique opportunities for students.

Orhan Hallik, Group President of Tourism Services at IC Holding, emphasized the significant place gastronomy has gained today and the industry’s continuous growth. He provided important advice to students on evaluating the potential in the sector and planning their careers.

Valuable Contributions from the Industry and Inspirational Advice for the Future

The panel also featured insights from Ferda Keleş, Human Resources Director of IC Holding Tourism Group, and Önder Beyhan, Operations Manager of IC Santai Hotels, regarding the competencies the industry requires, job opportunities for graduates, and crucial information for young people aspiring to build a career in the sector. They encouraged students not to limit themselves to academic knowledge alone.

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