Kotex Turkey says #IsterseYapar with the Girls of the Republic project
Daughters of the Republic Project Will Bring 100 Women to the Sea Until October 29
Kotex Turkey brings the girls of the Republic from all over Turkey together with the sea by saying #I Want It. The first race of the project, which aims to reach 100 women by October 29, when the 100th anniversary of the Republic will be celebrated, was successfully held with the team of We Sail for the Future. Women who came from cities such as Tunceli, Kayseri and Şırnak and who had no sea experience set out on their first sea voyage within the scope of the project.
Adopting the principle of walking together in every field that women need, Kotex Turkey continues to work with the motivation of support and full support. Adding a new one to its activities with the aim of eliminating all the obstacles and taboos faced by women, the brand prepared women from all over Turkey who have never sailed before for sailing races.
Athletes who met the sea within the scope of the project, announced as the Girls of the Republic, took part in the MIYC WINTER TROFE I. FOOT sailing races. The sailing race held in Marmaris witnessed exciting moments for women who sailed for the first time in their lives. Dancing with the wind, We Sail for the Future team successfully completed the course. The happiness of the athletes who came to the finish with unforgettable memories and a great experience was read on their faces.

“It is a great feeling to be on the same team with women who sail on vast waters for the first time in their lives”
Orjin Ibar, Marketing Director for Kimberly Clark Turkey, Central Asia and the Caucasus, stated that the project they implemented as Kotex Turkey has achieved its purpose and that they will continue to support women in all areas of life. İbar said, “It is a really great feeling to be in the same team with women who met the sea and sailed on vast waters for the first time in their lives. Fighting together in difficult conditions and showing the ability to act in harmony was exactly the motivation we wanted. I think the team spirit we have captured is a good example in terms of women’s solidarity. As Kotex Turkey, we will continue to support women in all areas of life with all our product innovations and the projects we support.
Applications will continue until October.
Women from all over Turkey will be able to apply until October to join the Sailing for the Future team, which competes with the support of Kotex Turkey in the sailing races organized by the Turkish Sailing Federation. Applications for the Daughters of the Republic project are made at www.gelecekicinyelkenacyiz.com.
The calendar of other races that will take place during the year is as follows:
Race DaysRace VenueRace Name21-22 JanuaryMarmarisMIYC Winter Trophy 1st Leg11-12 FebruaryMarmarisMIYC Winter Trophy 2nd Leg04-05 MarchMarmarisMIYC Winter Trophy 3rd Leg01-02 AprilMarmarisMIYC Winter Trophy 4th Leg10-14 AprilMarmaris-Bodrum President’s Cup 1st Leg22-23 AprilMarmaris 5th Leg13-14 MayMarmarisMIYC Winter Trophy 6th Leg15-18 JulyIstanbul-BodrumSouth Race21-24 SeptemberIstanbulBosphorus Cup27-29 OctoberIstanbulPresidential Cup 2nd Leg

Kimberly–Clark Turkey
Founded in the United States in 1872, Kimberly-Clark today carries out its production activities in 37 countries and sales activities in 150 countries with its more than 53 thousand employees worldwide. The Kimberly-Clark brands, which are the creators of 5 out of 8 consumer product categories in the markets they compete, reach 1.3 billion people every day. To the consumers of Kimberly-Clark, which started its operations in Turkey in 2005; It serves with Kotex, Kleenex and Depend brands.
İsterse Yapar / Kotex Türkiye
— Türkiye Haber Portalı (@Turhapo) January 26, 2023
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