Produced by Altın Adam Medya and shot in Çanakkale Lâpseki by master director Savaş Sancak, the movie “Hayatımız Roman” will be released on March 8 with the support of all Roma federations in Turkey.
The character Öykü, played by Aslı Bekiroğlu, one of the lead actresses, will appear as an education officer. Öykü, who leads a sane, monotonous life and generally stays away from adventure, will meet moviegoers as a character who prefers her own safe space.
In a statement about the movie “Our Life is Roma”, Aslı Bekiroğlu said that if the Roma ruled the world, there would be a fair world full of music and fun. Bekiroğlu, who also stayed in the Roma neighborhood during the filming process, said, “They are very beautiful people. I have seen a different culture. They are sincere, helpful, friendly and I have never seen a more cheerful crew in my life.”
For the filming of the movie, the buildings of 8 different Roma neighborhoods were painted, illuminated and turned into a giant plateau. Aslı Bekiroğlu said of the shooting process in the Roma neighborhood, “It turned into fun rather than work. It was quite enjoyable to spend time with them.”
Aslı Bekiroğlu emphasized that “Hayatımız Roma” is not only for a certain audience, but also for everyone from 7 to 70 and expressed her belief that it will remove prejudices against Roma. Bekiroğlu concluded her words by saying, “A different and special production is coming to the theaters.”