Masaüstü Reklam
Deu Nun Meslek Hastaliklari Hastanesi Nde Sona Gelindi 6822.jpg

Ended in DEU’s Occupational Diseases Hospital

Aliağa Occupational and Environmental Diseases Hospital, which was founded in 2019 at Dokuz Eylül University (DEU) and is the first and only one in Turkey, has reached the final stage.

A protocol signing ceremony was held between the DEU Rectorate and the contractor firm that won the tender for the health facility, which draws attention with its 200 bed capacity and 52 thousand square meter indoor area consisting of three blocks. Speaking at the ceremony, DEU Rector Prof. Dr. Nükhet Hotar noted that the need for a health facility specialized in the field of occupational accidents and occupational diseases brought this project to life and said, “We are excited and happy to have come to the end of the project.”

Aliağa Occupational and Environmental Diseases Hospital of Dokuz Eylül University (DEU), which is one of the brand higher education institutions of our country in the field of health and adding a new one to its investments in the field, has reached the final stage. With the completion of the rough construction, statics and electricity projects by Aliağa Municipality at the end of 2022, the ‘completion construction’ process begins in the hospital, which was taken over by DEU. In this context, a protocol signing ceremony was held between the DEU Rectorate and the contractor company that won the tender for the health facility, which draws attention with its 200 bed capacity and 52 thousand square meter indoor area consisting of three blocks. To the ceremony at DEU Rectorate Building; DEU Rector Prof. Dr. Nükhet Hotar, the contractor company Özsoy İnşaat Turizm Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. – On behalf of Gelişim Yapı Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., the Contractor Sezgin Ulu and DEU Construction and Technical Department Head İbrahim Demir attended.


Özsoy İnşaat Turizm San. A.Ş – Gelişim Yapı Tic. AS. The project, which will be carried out by the (OG) Joint Venture, is expected to be completed in 15 months. Making statements about the process at the signing ceremony, DEU Rector Prof. Dr. Nükhet Hotar stated that the facility, which will be the only occupational and environmental diseases hospital in Turkey, will serve as a base for qualified health services. Noting that the need for a health facility specialized in the field of occupational accidents and occupational diseases in Aliağa, where important industrial enterprises are located, has brought this work to life, Rector Hotar stated that they are excited and happy that the project has come to an end.


Rector Hotar, who said that they spent a lot of time for the hospital that the region needs, said, “Our Research University quickly designed the Aliağa Occupational and Environmental Diseases Hospital in line with the expectations of the region. The land on which the hospital will be established, the property of which belongs to Aliağa Municipality, has been transferred to our University. The rough construction, statics, mechanics and electrical projects of our hospital have also been completed, and the completion construction process has come to an end. Today, with the protocol ceremony we organized in our Rectorate, we signed our signature with the representative of the contractor company, Mr. Sezgin Ulu. We also received a promise from them that the project would be completed in 450 days. I wish our hospital, which was built on a specialized understanding, to be beneficial in advance, and I thank the other project partners, especially the Aliağa Municipality, and DEU members for their efforts.”


Rector Hotar, who underlined that Aliağa Occupational and Environmental Diseases Hospital will be a pioneering hospital, said, “In our hospital, which will serve the region in every sense, it is of great importance in cases such as profiteering, carbon monoxide poisoning and possible burns that may occur in the workers who work in ship dismantling, and in cases such as possible burns. There will also be a Hyperbaric unit available in a limited number of hospitals. Our hospital, which has risen as a first in our country as an occupational and environmental diseases hospital since its design; however, it will have the opportunity to intervene in the most effective way in occupational accidents that may develop”.


Stating that they aim to complete the completion construction of the hospital as soon as possible, Contractor Sezgin Ulu, on the other hand, stated that he is happy to be involved in such a project that touches the society and said, “To our Rector, Nükhet Hotar, who has made great efforts in bringing this private hospital to Aliağa, to all project stakeholders and We would like to express our gratitude to the DEU family. We want to deliver our project in 450 days at the latest,” he said.


Aliağa Occupational and Environmental Diseases Hospital, which will have an indoor area of 52 thousand square meters and a capacity of 200 beds; Emergency Service will consist of units such as microsurgery, burn unit, hyperbaric oxygen, hemodialysis, endoscopy, bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, radiology, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and will serve all the people of the region with expert healthcare professionals.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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