An impactful call was made once again for the innocence of childhood and the salvation of the future. The book titled “Vital Secret” emphasizes how the global system and modern life that affect the future of adults and children alike jeopardize the innocence of childhood.
Message of the Book:
Highlighting the crucial importance of preserving the future of our children, who are raised without being able to gaze at the sky and notice changes in seasons, the book is written with an emotional approach. The author conveys that minds should not separate from the heart, childhood should not be lost, and as we grow, the child within us should also remain.
Global System and Children:
The book describes how the current global system affects the innocence of children. It draws attention to how children are growing up disconnected from the natural world due to the rapid advancement of screens and technology. The technological devices placed in our children’s hands and the processed foods filled with additives distance them from their innocence and push them into the realms of radiation and the digital world.
Love and Innocence:
Furthermore, the book establishes a bridge between the “Vital Secret” and divine love. It emphasizes that the preservation of innocence is possible through love and expresses that individuals can liberate their souls by trusting their own feelings. It advocates the idea that growth can be achieved by transcending the darkness of materialism and focusing on emotions.
“Holding onto childhood, they become bearers of hope,” says the “Vital Secret,” reminding us that childhood innocence is one of the fundamental elements shaping our future. It underscores the importance of safeguarding emotional intelligence and the inner child, as these efforts can help individuals realize their potentials and propel society towards a better future.
While reminding readers of the value of childhood, the book also extends a call to internal emotions and love. The efforts to preserve the innocence of our children and emotional intelligence while building our future are recognized as significant steps towards a fairer and more sustainable world.