Efes Selçuk will host the 6th Climbolic Ephesus Ultra Marathon between March 18-19. Over 2000 participants will once again discover the World Cultural Heritage Ephesus Selçuk by running.
The Efes Ultra Marathon, which has been held in the second week of March every year since 2017, brings sports enthusiasts together once again this year in Efes Selçuk. Participants will discover the historical destinations and cultural riches of Ephesus Selçuk with the organization that will be held on six different tracks, 6K, 12K, 27K, 42K, 61K and 120K.
All tracks of the 6th Climbolic Ephesus Ultra Marathon will start and end at Station Square. Certificates will be given to the participants in the 6th Climbolic Ephesus Ultra Marathon final on Sunday, March 19, at 12:00 at the Station Square.
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency