Journalist-Writer and Newscaster Ece Üner was the guest of the Anttalks event organized by Antalya Metropolitan Municipality. Uner, who met with the people of Antalya within the scope of the Justice and Democracy Week events, drew attention to the need to increase the awareness of democracy in his speech.
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality continues to bring together successful names and their stories with the people of Antalya with the Anttalks event organized under the name of “Inspirational Success Stories”. Within the scope of Justice and Democracy Week, Anttalks event, attended by Journalist-Writer and Newscaster Ece Üner as a speaker, was held at Atatürk Cultural Center. Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Muhittin Insect also attended the event, which attracted great interest from young people.
Ece Üner shared with the participants the topics related to her professional experience and experience. Üner stated that it is important to reproduce the belief in democracy and to try to carry it forward in order to increase the awareness of democracy in the society. Ece Üner, recalling Journalist Uğur Mumcu’s statement, “An injustice done to a person is a crime committed against the whole society”, said, “We have to share this awareness and place this responsibility. A civilized shared sense of responsibility is the only guarantee of freedom and democracy. Unless this assurance is provided, not a single stone will be placed on the foundation of democracy,” he said.
Saying that she commemorates with respect the journalists who lost their lives and were killed as a result of the assassination, Ece Üner said, “I respectfully commemorate all the journalists who were killed as a result of the assassination, especially Uğur Mumcu, who died on January 24, 1993. I commemorate with respect and gratitude our journalists who lost their lives before and after this incident, which plunged into the country’s agenda like a dagger.” Newscaster Ece Üner answered the questions of the participants after her speech. Üner presented the “Dignity” book to 4 participants who asked him the best question, by signing it.
After his speech, Journalist Üner thanked the Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, Muhittin Insect, and said, “Mr. Mayor, you brought me together with the people of Antalya to reiterate human rights, the rights of individuals gained by being human, within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic and Democracy Week. Therefore, I would like to thank you very much for this event.”
President Muhittin Insect thanked Journalist and Newscaster Ece Üner for her speeches and presented her with flowers and a plaque. President Insect said, “Ms. Ece shared with us the experiences she has had throughout her life. We will meet in good days when our children are not abused, our young people look to the future with hope, and all our citizens are happy and peaceful,” she said.
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency