Masaüstü Reklam
Ece Berker “i Cried The First Time I Heard Sıla Playing Guitar” With Eylül Aşkın... Special Interview

Ece Berker “I cried the first time I heard Sıla playing guitar” With Eylül Aşkın… Special Interview

Speaking about Sıla and Cem Adrian, who performed his father’s song Bir İlkbahar Sabahı (A Spring Morning), the artist said, “The first time I heard Sıla playing the guitar, I cried.” and stated that he liked Sıla’s interpretation in his own style.

Ankara College and METU Graduate

Ece Berker, who saw the advantage of being educated in good schools, started classical ballet and piano lessons in primary school. Berker, whose talent was discovered by her teachers, then focused on piano education with private lessons.

Ece Berker “sıla’yı Ilk Gitar çalarken Dinlediğimde Ağladım” Eylül Aşkın Ile... Özel Söyleşi (2)

“Most of my father’s compositions are from his childhood and youth.”

When asked about what it was like to be the daughter of our esteemed artist Erdoğan Berker, who contributed to Turkish art music, Berker stated that although her father was interested in Turkish art music, he directed her more towards classical western music and jazz music, made constructive criticisms about music from time to time and supported her. “Erdoğan Berker was a coupon manufacturer. He was really a very valuable person, a special creation of God.” Berker said, “My father’s hand was always on me.”

Ece Berker “sıla’yı Ilk Gitar çalarken Dinlediğimde Ağladım” Eylül Aşkın Ile... Özel Söyleşi (4)

One of the Most Wanted Names of Latin Stage Performances

Ece Berker, especially after crossing paths with Yuri Ryadchenko, has carved her name in gold letters in the market with the positive feedback of the musical synergy they created together. Going beyond being the daughter of Erdogan Berker, Ece Berker has become a brand in her own class and has been performing regularly in Turkey’s elite venues for more than thirty years. Having started her artistic career based on classical western music and jazz, she later learned Spanish and continued with Latin songs in her repertoire and special dance choreography she prepared with Cuban dancers. Berker’s stage performances are highly appreciated and still continue to fill the venues. Ece Berker is one of the rare performers who can still maintain her energy and superior performance on stage despite the passing time. Her son and sister are also musicians in different branches.

Ece Berker “sıla’yı Ilk Gitar çalarken Dinlediğimde Ağladım” Eylül Aşkın Ile... Özel Söyleşi (3)

You can listen to Ece Berker live at Büyük Kulüp, where she performs regularly twice a month.

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