Masaüstü Reklam
Dijital Dunyanin Arsivi Veri Merkezlerinde Depreme Dayaniklilik Oncelikli Bir Konudur 1108.jpg

Earthquake Resilience is a Top Priority in Digital World Archive Data Centers

The Kahramanmaraş Earthquake, which took place last month, affected many of our provinces and left a mark on our country’s history with unforgettable pain. We have seen once again that it is extremely important that critical structures (such as hospitals, airports, fire brigades) that need to be used immediately, as well as the houses that are the roof of people’s lives, can continue to serve after a disaster.

In today’s world, where industrial heritage and industrial culture are developing, the safety and durability of industrial buildings is a fundamental criterion. Data centers, which we define as one of the critical facilities that increase the number of industrial structures that ensure the continuity of life, are an archive of the digital world. Data centers upgraded with large investments; It is a must for sustainability in many critical areas such as technology, communication and finance.

Due to the servers, backup systems, network layers and air conditioning systems in the data centers, it comes first among the industrial structures that contain sensitive dynamics. Data centers, which must contain extremely high security and robustness, are distinguished from other structures due to both the importance of the equipment inside and the physical dynamics of the buildings. Earthquake resistance of data centers, whose design principles and parameters differ considerably from other residential buildings, is one of the fields that require special expertise. Mesut Küçük, Director of Data Centers of Serban İnşaat, who built the data centers of Turkey’s leading GSM companies on the subject, said, “All structures must be resistant to natural disasters and especially the most common earthquake in our country. Continuity and durability are essential in building construction. The earthquake performance of buildings varies in parallel with the building usage purposes. For this purpose, each country has its own disaster regulations and determines building importance coefficients. Data centers are also structures with a high importance coefficient. Due to the human resource inside, the importance of the data they store and the sensitive nature of the devices inside, they should be earthquake-resistant structures. For this reason, data centers; On a solid foundation, it should have the quality of design and material that can survive possible earthquakes without damage.” He talked about the importance of data centers being earthquake resistant. Kucuk, who also made suggestions about data center construction, said, “The resilience of data centers to natural disasters is a priority issue and when the project is first decided, it requires great care and expertise, starting from the location selection. Data centers are different from other structures of the same size and it is necessary to increase the performance of the structure with seismic isolators and shear columns. In addition, the building height class is chosen more conservatively than it should be. Critical structures such as data centers, not only in earthquakes, but also in all natural disasters and emergencies, should be designed at a level that will remain stable, continue to serve and be able to operate again with short revisions, by experiencing ductile fractures, not brittle, even in the most adverse conditions. “said.

Sharing Serban İnşaat’s practices regarding the durability of data centers, Serban İnşaat Data Centers Director Mesut Küçük said, “We follow a strategic path in our data center projects and we undertake high-quality projects. From the beginning to the end of the project, we analyze the needs and draw our roadmap in a way that dominates the possible risks. Since we prioritize durability in our data center projects, we choose each of our colleagues working in this field from experts and experienced people. Using quality materials and using advanced technology systems is an area where Serban İnşaat makes a difference in all its works. We take safe design as a basis in projects and produce architectural projects that will not have irregularities. In addition to these, we take care to choose the load-bearing system as symmetrically as possible for building safety and follow a detailed approach. In order to increase the durability rate of data center projects specifically for their own sensitive dynamics, we use a high percentage of curtains compared to the total area, use of insulators, reinforcement works with FRP where necessary, and continuous and regular site inspection applications. As Serban İnşaat, we always feel this experience in all completed and ongoing projects in data center construction, which we are highly experienced in, and we are proud of showing our difference.” said.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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