Masaüstü Reklam
Dosider In Ankara Visit Heat Pumps And Zero Carbon Targets Discussed

DOSIDER in Ankara Visit: Heat Pumps and Zero Carbon Targets Discussed

Green Covenant, heat pumps, hybrid solutions, developments in the natural gas market and second-hand product sales were the main topics of the meetings.

DOSIDER Board of Directors made a series of visits in Ankara and held important meetings on the current developments and future of the sector. During the visits, DOSIDER Board of Directors met with Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) President Mustafa Yılmaz, EMRA Energy Department Head Hüseyin Daşdemir, Ministry of Industry and Technology General Director of Industry Prof. Dr. İlker Murat Ar, Başkentgaz Officials and Ministry of Trade General Director of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance and Inspection Avni Dilber and expressed the developments and current issues related to the sector and shared their suggestions.

The Board of Directors of DOSIDER (Association of Heating Equipment Industrialists and Business People) came together with the important stakeholders of the sector with a series of visits to Ankara. During the visits, opinions were exchanged on the future of the sector and current issues.

The DOSIDER delegation, consisting of Chairman Ekrem Erkut and Ufuk Atan, Ali Aktaş, Hakan Akay, Bedri Dilik and Sencer Erten, visited the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Başkentgaz and the General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance and Inspection of the Ministry of Trade.

First visit to EMRA

The first point of visit of the DOSIDER delegation in Ankara was EMRA. After congratulating Mustafa Yılmaz on his re-election as EMRA President, information was given about the Future Vision and Strategy document that DOSIDER realized in December 2023 and launched at the 30th Anniversary event. During the meeting, evaluations were made on energy efficiency, which is the current issue of the sector, the use of renewable energy sourced products and the developing hybrid solutions and heat pump devices. In addition, it was stated that natural gas is still the most important energy source for our country and will remain important for many years.

Within the scope of the visits, the delegation also exchanged views on the future of the heating sector and current developments with EMRA Energy Department Head Hüseyin Daşdemir.

Ministry of Industry’s full support

In the second part of DOSIDER Delegation’s program in Ankara, the Ministry of Industry was present. The delegation visited the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Industrial General Director Prof. Dr. İlker Murat Ar, to convey their best wishes for his new position. Mutual exchanges of views were held regarding developments in the HVAC sector and the increasingly widespread use of heat pump devices. Collaborative efforts regarding the introduction and control of these devices to the market with certain standards were evaluated. The DOSİDER delegation also highlighted the risks associated with the sale of second-hand boilers and their implications for the safety of natural gas usage, emphasizing the necessity for actions in this regard.

Furthermore, at the Ministry of Industry, Industrial General Deputy Director Serkan Çelik was visited, with the participation of Machinery Industry Department Head Dinçer Gonca, and he was presented with a plaque in commemoration of his 30th year. During this meeting, while the agenda items were discussed, consensus was reached on the need for increased collaboration for the sector’s development.

Dosİder Yönetim Kurulu Ankara Ziyaretinde Sektörün Geleceğini Masaya Yatırdı

Visit to Başkentgaz

One of the visit centers of the DOSIDER Delegation was Başkentgaz. During the meeting with Başkentgaz Executive Board Chairman Emre Torun, Deputy General Manager Işık Deniş, Operations Manager İlker Tınaz, and Internal Installation Manager Mustafa Coşkun, developments related to gas distribution companies were evaluated. The issues faced by gas distribution companies in the field and Başkentgaz’s investment plans and expectations for the year 2024 were discussed. The DOSIDER delegation particularly emphasized the contributions of Başkentgaz’s implemented practices to the safe use of natural gas, expressing their views on the continuation of these practices.

Visit to the Ministry of Trade

The final stop of the DOSIDER Board of Directors in Ankara was the Ministry of Trade. The delegation visited Avni Dilber, the General Director of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance and Inspection at the Ministry of Trade, and expressed their gratitude for his participation in the 30th Anniversary event. The parties decided to organize a workshop soon to discuss in detail the issues related to market surveillance in the sector.

Ekrem Erkut, President of DOSIDER: First steps of the new era have been taken

Ekrem Erkut, President of the DOSIDER Board of Directors, commented on the visits in Ankara:

“The visits we conducted in Ankara provided us with important information about the future of our sector and current developments. In our meetings with representatives from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Başkentgaz, and the Ministry of Trade, we exchanged views on significant issues concerning the sector. We expressed the sector’s opinions and demands regarding topics such as the Green Deal and zero-carbon goals, heat pumps and hybrid systems, developments in the natural gas market, and the sale of second-hand devices and safety risks. Additionally, we informed our counterparts about the efforts we have made in the region after the earthquake. During this process, our member companies have serviced over 40,000 devices in the region, ensuring their safe operation. As an NGO representing 95% of our sector, we will continue to contribute value and work for our country in the upcoming period. We believe that these visits in Ankara will mark the beginning of a new era. We have taken the first steps.”

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