Masaüstü Reklam
Pankreasinizi Korumak Icin Seker Ve Yagi Fazla Tuketmeyin 6230.jpg

Don’t Consume Too Much Sugar and Fat to Protect Your Pancreas

The pancreas is located in our body as an organ with a length of about 12 centimeters and a weight of 120 grams, with very important functions. The pancreas plays an important role in the secretion of many hormones, such as insulin. Diabetes can occur in the absence or deficiency of the hormone insulin. Inflammation of the pancreas, located behind the stomach, is called pancreatitis. Pancreatic cancer is defined as one of the fastest growing tumors. Pancreas Academy was organized by Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital Advanced Endoscopy Center on the diseases of the pancreas, which is one of the vital organs in the body, and current treatment methods. prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Erzin made statements about pancreatic diseases and treatment methods.

Pancreatitis is most common in Europe.

Pancreatitis, ie pancreatic inflammation, does not have a certain age. It can occur at any age. The most important causes of pancreatitis in Turkey are stones or sludge in the gallbladder falling into the main bile duct and causing obstruction in the mouth of the pancreas. In Europe, the most important cause of pancreatitis is alcohol use.

Severe back or shoulder pain can be a sign of pancreatitis

Problems such as severe pain, nausea, vomiting and fever that can hit the back and shoulder from the upper abdomen can be symptoms of pancreatitis. If elevated pancreatic enzymes are detected in the blood, the diagnosis of pancreatitis is made by supporting the preliminary diagnosis with imaging methods, namely Ultrasound, Tomography and MRI.

In the process of pancreatitis treatment, oral food intake is stopped and intravenous nutrition is started. The fluid and urine output taken are closely monitored together with the inflammatory markers in the blood.

Today’s increasing tumors; pancreatic tumors

Pancreatic tumors are among the tumors whose incidence has increased recently. If pancreatic tumor is not diagnosed early, the disease may occur in advanced stages and treatment may be delayed. Especially in the presence of ambiguous upper abdominal pain that occurs after the age of 50, pancreatic tumors should be suspected and specialists should be consulted.

Consuming alcohol and cigarettes can lead to pancreatic cancer

The risk of pancreatic cancer is much higher in the normal population in those who use alcohol and cigarettes. In order to avoid pancreatic cancer, it is necessary to pay attention to a healthy diet. It is important not to eat excessively fatty foods, not to consume too much animal fat, and to avoid refined carbohydrates, that is, sugary foods. These foods that tire the pancreas can lead to pancreatic cancer in the future. Maintaining a normal weight also prevents the occurrence of diseases such as sugar, cholesterol and hypertension. Drinking plenty of fluids, exercising regularly and eating right are the simplest and most effective ways to protect the pancreas.

Pancreas academy brought together valuable experts

This year, we continue the scientific meetings we organize as Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital Advanced Endoscopy Center with the “Pancreas Academy”. In our meeting, where we talked about endoscopic treatment methods with live cases and very valuable scientific exchanges were made, Prof. Dr. Eike Burmester was also with us. He is a highly experienced name in advanced endoscopic applications in gastroenterology. At the same time, we had the pleasure of hosting our esteemed physicians in gastroenterology in our country.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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