Toroslar EDAŞ activated the disaster communication system in the earthquake zone.
With the help of three mobile towers and communication stations that are installed on high points and operate with solar energy, and hundreds of vehicles equipped with radios, communication and coordination of repair teams was ensured. The number of field workers increased to 2073, and the number of generators increased to 1716.
Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım AŞ (Toroslar EDAŞ) activated the Disaster Communication System, a first in the industry, to enable repair teams to work more effectively with better communication in the earthquake zone, where mobile telecommunications were disrupted.
In the past, the system developed by Anadolu Yakası Elektrik Dağıtım AŞ (Ayedaş) for the expected earthquake in Istanbul was taken from Istanbul to the earthquake zone after the earthquake, following the communication problem that could not be resolved in some provinces and was centered in Kahramanmaraş.

With the help of the system, the repair teams were able to communicate and coordinate with the company’s disaster management center and the Central Remote Control and Data Monitoring Center (SCADA) using the radios attached to hundreds of vehicles and the three mobile towers and communication stations installed on high points.
The system is able to meet its own electricity needs by using solar energy in the area where it is installed. Thus, it does not require connection to the grid or support from a generator.
The number of field workers increased to 2073.
Currently, 2073 electricity distribution workers at Toroslar EDAŞ are performing their duties for the energy needs in the regions affected by the earthquake.
In addition to the other two distribution companies, Baskeş EDAŞ and Ayedaş, the number of field workers from contractors and other distribution companies increased from 350 on the first day to 1011 on the third day and to 2073 on the fifth day, along with Toroslar EDAŞ and the other distribution companies of Enerjisa.
During these activities, 141 bucket trucks, 229 pick-up trucks, 48 cranes, 34 tractor-trailers, 19 shovels, 60 trucks, and 392 passenger vehicles are being used by the teams.

A total of 1716 generators are providing service.
Furthermore, the number of generators used for powering hospitals, projectors near debris, and street and road lighting is rapidly increasing, along with search and rescue teams.
For this purpose, in addition to 129 large mobile generators that can be transported by truck or trailer, a total of 1716 generators are performing their duties with 1587 generators called “bag type” of different sizes.
When the relevant points are powered by the grid, these generators are transferred to other points. Fuel supplies for these generators are also provided by our company’s fuel storage facilities and our employees.

Even though repairs have been completed, there are still places where energy is not being supplied for security reasons, and energy restoration activities are continuing within the coordination framework with relevant public institutions in order to prevent security risks in search and rescue operations.