In today’s business world, many companies are utilizing the franchise system to achieve their growth and geographical expansion goals. In the current era where cloud technology holds significant value, DİA Software, which offers ERP services with a 100% cloud infrastructure, is increasing its sales through the franchise system day by day.
Suha Onay, the General Manager of DİA Software, with 20 years of experience in cloud technology, stated that they provide their business partners with the opportunity to meet the digitalization needs of companies in all sectors, from accounting to inventory tracking, from production to service management, in detail. “We offer our dealers a regular annual income model without collection risk. Additionally, we have a fair dealer protection program; through our registration system, we protect the proposals our business partners offer to companies. We also direct the companies applying for membership to our dealers based on their certificates and qualifications and support them in customer meetings,” said Onay.
Emphasizing that they aim to increase the competence of their business partners about DİA solutions with 11 different certification programs and support them in achieving customer satisfaction and increasing sales, Onay stated, “DİA is Turkey’s most advanced cloud ERP program, and the customer membership renewal rate is 99.4%. In this regard, it becomes very easy for our dealers to manage after-sales. Due to providing services with cloud technology, they can also support remotely with lower costs. Furthermore, we support them both technically and in terms of marketing to achieve their sales targets.”
Onay continued, “At DİA, we strengthen our dealers’ customer relationships and enable them to obtain recurring business opportunities. We also offer our dealers advantages such as participating in free sales and marketing training, obtaining promotional products for free, support in marketing activities and advertisements, directing potential customers, being informed about updates instantly, and increasing their expertise to acquire new customers. We are always open to applications from new dealer candidates.” DİA Software reached a total of 256 dealers with 67 new dealers in 2023.

DİA Software Inc.: Established in 2004 at ODTÜ Teknokent with the support of KOSGEB Technology Development, DİA Software Inc. works on integrated commercial software solutions that enable SMEs from all sectors to control and monitor their business management processes. Engaging in international R&D projects supported by TÜBİTAK and the European Union, it continuously enhances its R&D capabilities. Starting as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, aiming to enhance the efficiency and speed of businesses’ processes from accounting to production, stock-warehouse management, and other sales and purchasing processes. Developed entirely on a proprietary infrastructure by DİA Software Inc. and operating with cloud technology, DİA is marketed with the SaaS (Software As A Service) model, reducing costs for SMEs and increasing their productivity.