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Cricut Penta Teknoloji Guvencesiyle Artik Turkiye De 7007.jpg

Cricut is now in Turkey with the assurance of Penta Teknoloji

Leading Turkey’s digital transformation, Penta Teknoloji has added a new one to the world-famous brands it distributes. Number one in the world in the field of DIY projects; providing solutions for designing, cutting, customizing and labeling hundreds of materials in the home environment.

“Cricut” will be distributed for the first time in the Turkish market with the assurance of Penta Teknoloji.

As of March, Penta Teknoloji undertakes the Turkey distributorship of the brand “Cricut”, one of the world’s leading technology manufacturers in the field of Do It Yourself projects. Cricut, the sought-after brand of “do it yourself” projects that are becoming more and more widespread all over the world, offers users extremely practical and fast cutting and application solutions on hundreds of materials. Offering a combination of writing, cutting, application and design solutions that enable users to apply their own designs on various materials with models suitable for different needs, Cricut enters the Turkish market for the first time with Penta Technology expertise.

By downloading the Cricut Design Space application, users can benefit from Cricut’s design library and enrich their own designs with the help of software. Thanks to Cricut cutting machines, hot presses, accessories and materials, users will be able to transform and use the material they want, give them as gifts and even sell them, with personalization solutions that they can easily apply in their own homes.

Fatih Erünsal: “Cricut will make significant contributions to women’s employment”

Indicating that he believes Cricut will grow rapidly in the Turkish market, Penta Teknoloji General Manager Fatih Erünsal said: “As Penta Teknoloji, we are proud to start the distributorship of a product that will give a brand new direction to the industry by adding a new one to our investments in printing and application solutions. Offering a product for everyone that prioritizes creativity, Cricut, which has a wide target audience potential; It definitely offers a suitable option for different user groups ranging from small-scale companies to entrepreneurs planning to start their own business. We think that Cricut will provide an environment where, unlike other technology products, home users can make fun designs using their imaginations. We foresee that Cricut, which we expect to make a significant contribution to women’s employment, will have a great place in the do-it-yourself category in the Turkish market. With Cricut products, we aim to create an environment where everyone from 7 to 70 can create solutions that fit their imagination.”

Martin Kruger: “Cricut will be indispensable for small-scale businesses in Turkey”

Cricut Middle East, Turkey and Africa Sales and Marketing Director Martin Kruger said: “Cricut proves that even those who think they are not creative have unlimited imagination; It has a well-deserved reputation all over the world as a consumer electronics products and software platform that allows cutting, customizing, labeling and designing hundreds of materials in the home environment. Offering all the necessary tools for those who want to both express their creativity as a hobby and earn additional income from the work they enjoy, Cricut also stands out as a unique solution that supports artists and allows them to see their projects on the materials they want in the home environment. Cricut, which will be indispensable for both consumers looking for a very easy do-it-yourself solution in a short time, and small-scale businesses that want to offer more professional solutions in this regard; It is preparing to open the doors of a brand new experience to users in Turkey with its fully Turkish-language application, Turkish website, blog site and social media pages.”

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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