Masaüstü Reklam
Cbk Mersin Yenisehir Belediyesi Avrupa Nin En Buyuk Kupasinda Dortlu Finalde 5746.jpg

ÇBK Mersin Yenişehir Municipality is in the final four in Europe’s biggest cup

Çukurova Basketball Club (ÇBK) Mersin Yenişehir Municipality advanced to the final-four by defeating the French representative Tango Bourges Basket 91-63 in the third match of the Euroleague Women quarter-finals. The Mersin team, which has achieved a historical success, will play in the final four to bring Europe’s biggest trophy in women’s basketball to its museum. At the end of the match, Yenişehir Mayor Abdullah Özyiğit said, “I congratulate our team and our fellow citizens from Mersin for their support by filling the hall for this great success. Our goal is to bring the trophy to our country, and we want to keep this pride alive in Mersin.”

Representing our country in Euroleague Women, the most prestigious league of women’s basketball in Europe, ÇBK Mersin Yenişehir Municipality defeated Tango Bourges Basket 91-63 in the third match of the quarter-finals and made it 2-1 in the series and made it to the final-four. . Mersin representative succeeded in qualifying for the finals for the first time in its history in Euroleague Women with the great support of its fans. In addition to Yenişehir Mayor Abdullah Özyiğit, Mersin Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan and his wife Yıldız Pehlivan, Yenişehir District Governor Nevzat Şengök and Mezitli Mayor Neşet Tarhan watched the match played at Servet Tazegül Sports Hall along with thousands of Mersin residents.

ÇBK Mersin Yenişehir Municipality made an official application to host the final-four.

ÇBK Mersin Yenişehir Municipality will fight for the championship by playing the final-four on April 14-16. ÇBK Mersin Yenişehir Municipality will face ZVVZ USK Prague team from Czech Republic in the semi-final match on April 14. If he wins the match, Fenerbahce will play the final match on April 16 with the winner of the match between Alagöz and Beretta Famila Schio. ÇBK Mersin Yenişehir Municipality made an official application to FIBA to host the final-four. If accepted, the 4 biggest teams of Europe will meet in Mersin, the heart of women’s basketball will beat in Mersin.

President Özyiğit “We have a historic opportunity to become the European champion.”

Yenişehir Mayor Abdullah Özyiğit said, “We are very happy, a Mersin team is among the top 4 teams in Europe tonight. We have a historic opportunity to become European champions. Our city and our team deserve this success. Our fellow citizens from Mersin filled the hall today as well, as usual, they did not leave their team alone. Big thanks to our fans. I hope that the final-four will be played in Mersin and we will lift the cup together with our people. I congratulate everyone who has passed the test. This success is the people of Mersin.”

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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