Masaüstü Reklam
Kurakliga Kartli Cozum 268.jpg

Card Solution to Drought

Irrigation in Manisa Gördes, which is at the top of Turkey with 15% in conison cucumber production, is switching to a card-electronic system. DSI 2nd Regional Director Saadettin Ceylan, who examined the works on a total area of 15,630 decares, said, “He drew attention to the effective and correct use of water against the ever-increasing threat of drought. “The projects will reach the 2023 summer irrigation season,” he said.

In Manisa Gördes, which has attracted attention with the production of pickled “gherkin” cucumbers recently, Güneşli and Doğanpınar Irrigations are switching to a card-electronic system. Visiting the district, which has a share of approximately 15% in Turkey’s gherkin cucumber production, DSI 2nd Regional Director Saadettin Ceylan toured the project site with Mayor Muhammet Akyol. Meet with the manufacturers.

It will prevent wastage of water

The first stop of DSI 2nd Regional Director Saadetin Ceylan was the Güneşli Dam irrigation field. Reminding that the dam was built in 2014 and has a storage volume of 8.2 million m3, DSI 2nd Regional Manager Ceylan said, “Thanks to the project, we contribute to the regional and national economy by meeting the water needs of 11,400 decares of land. However, in order to use the increasingly valuable water more effectively and correctly, we are converting two projects into ultrasonic prepaid card systems in Gördes. Our producer will now get as much water as he needs by having his card read from electronic meters. Thus, since the water is switched to cubic meters instead of hours, he will not waste water more carefully, and he will not pay for wasted water.” he said.

It will reach the 2023 summer irrigation season

Noting that the meter installations in the Güneşli Dam Irrigation area have been completed, DSİ 2nd Regional Manager Saadettin Ceylan said that he continues his work on the Doğanpınar Dam irrigation area. Ceylan said, “Our Doğanpınar Dam, which is 33 meters high from the foundation, gives life to a total of 4,230 decares of land. This area will now be irrigated by ultrasonic prepaid card meters. Our goal is to complete our work on both projects in a few months, and to switch to a card counter system in the region as of the 2023 summer season. Good luck to our producer in advance,” he said.

Later, DSI 2nd Regional Director Saadettin Ceylan, who met with the headmen and producers in the Gördes Municipality Cultural Center, talked about the projects in the region. He answered the questions.

Drawing attention to the decreasing precipitation regime and drought in recent years, DSI 2nd Regional Director Saadettin Ceylan pointed out that significant savings were achieved in water use by means of ultrasonic prepaid card counters. Ceylan warned the producer about the waste of water.

DSI 2nd Regional Director Saadettin Ceylan, who also visited the Gördes-Demirci Highway construction site, also focused on the displacement of the irrigation network, which is on the off-road route.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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