Co-operated by Çalık Enerji, Mitsubishi Corporation and Sustainability Steps Association; Energetic Schools Phase II Project reached more than 1000 vocational high school students
Seminars and workshops of the Energetic Schools Phase II Project, jointly carried out by Çalık Enerji, Mitsubishi Corporation and the Sustainability Steps Association, were completed with an event held in Samsun after Amasya and Malatya. The project, which aims to increase the awareness of vocational high school students on sustainability, climate change, renewable energy and technology, will expand its sphere of influence across Turkey by moving to the digital platform.

The “Energetic Schools Phase II Project“, carried out in Amasya, Malatya and Samsun in cooperation with ÇALIK ENERJİ, Mitsubishi Corporation and Sustainability Steps Association, is spreading across the country by expanding its sphere of influence on the digital platform, in addition to more than 1,000 vocational high school students it reaches face-to-face.
With the “Energetic Schools Social Responsibility Project“, the first phase of which was realized by Çalık Enerji with solar power plants installed in the gardens of two vocational and technical education high schools in Amasya in 2021 and Malatya in 2022, it was possible for schools to produce their own energy and to increase students’ awareness of renewable energy and sustainability. .
Sustainability training was given to high school students
After the first phase of the Project, which supports schools to produce their own energy, Çalık Enerji implemented the Energetic Schools Phase II Project for the second phase, with the cooperation of Mitsubishi Corporation and the Sustainability Steps Association, with the support of the fund received from the Tokyo-based corporate social responsibility budget of Mitsubishi Corporation. As part of the Energetic Schools Phase II Project, more than 1,000 vocational high school students were provided with training on sustainability, climate change, renewable energy and technology in Amasya, Malatya and Samsun.
In addition, within the scope of the Energetic Schools Phase II Project, vocational and technical education high school students were taken to the universities in the cities they were in, so that they could see the university environment and visit the departments they were interested in.

On the second day of the projects carried out in Amasya, Malatya and Samsun, vocational high school students and their teachers held special workshops called “Solutions Workshop”. Within the scope of the study, the participants identified a local problem in the regions or cities they live in under the titles of sustainability, climate change, renewable energy and technology and produced suggestions and ideas for the solution of this problem.
The project will be transferred to the digital environment and will be accessible to more students.
Çalık Enerji, Mitsubishi Corporation and Sustainability Steps Association will carry the trainings on the basic concepts of sustainability, the effects of climate change on our lives, renewable energy sources, and the importance of digitalization and technology in sustainability, given within the scope of the “Energetic Schools Phase II Project”, to the digital platform in order to reach all vocational high school students across Turkey.

Energetic Schools Project will continue
Çalık Enerji will continue its Energetic Schools Project in the coming period by establishing solar power plants in the gardens of the schools in the geographies where it operates, and with various activities such as awareness raising seminars, competitions and works on the digital platform.
Enerjik Okullar | Çalık Enerji, Mitsubishi, Sürdürülebilirlik Adımları Derneği#HerHaliyleGüzel Erken #SONDAKİKA #sise #astor Ukrayna İçişleri Bakanı Amasya #SDTTR Erzincan Luis Suarez Bursa –
— Türkiye Haber Portalı (@Turhapo) January 18, 2023